Baigiamajame bakalauro darbe buvo išnagrinėta literatūra susijusi su lūpomis, lūpų balzamais, aliejinėmis ištraukomis, liofilizacijos procesu ir naudotais augalais.
Pagaminti du lūpų balzamai. Ištirtas gyventojų požiūris į tiriamuosius lūpų balzamus. Stebėtas lūpų balzamų organoleptinių savybių stabilumas.
Atlikus tyrimą ir duomenų analizę, buvo pateiktos išvados. Darbą sudaro turinys, santrauka, įvadas, literatūros analizė, tyrimas, rezultatų analizė, išvados, rekomendacijos, literatūros sąrašas, priedai. Darbo apimtis – 48 psl. 58 bibliografinių šaltinių
"Production Technology and Quality Assessment of Lip Balm with Oil Extracts". Human lips skin is very thin and with very few sebaceous glands, so they are very vulnerable to environmental factors (wind, cold, sun). Human lips dries and chafe because of thin layer of skin on the lips. Lip balm is used for lip protection. There is a wide selection of lip balms on the market, but there is no lip balm with oily extracts and lyophilized berries available.
The objective of work. To produce lip balm with nettle oil extract, lyophilized berries of sea buckthorn and actinidia and evaluate organoleptic properties.
Research tasks:
1. Analyze scientific literature of lip skin structure, lip balm types and composition.
2. Produces lip balms with different amounts of nettle oil extract and lyophilized sea buckthorn and actinidia berries.
3. To evaluate the organoleptic properties of produced lip balms (color, smell, consistency).
4. To evaluate the organoleptic properties of produced lip balms stability.
Metodology. Scientific literature was analyzed, lip balm with different amount of nettle extract and lyophilized berries were made, quality assessment was performed. A structured anonymous questionnaire was selected. Data computed and analyzed using Excel 2010 and Word 2010 aplications.
Subjects. 265 inhabitants of Molėtai city, who used lip balm once, were asked. 207 women and 58 men participated in the study. More than half of respondents aged 26-35.
Research results. Made of two lip balms with different amounts of nettle extract and different lyophilized berries. Respondents liked the color and smell of lip balm with lyophilized sea buckthorn berries, and the consistency preferred lip balm with lyophilized actinide berries. Observing the stability of the organoleptic properties of the produced lip balm in the fourth week, discoloration was observed.
Conclusions of research. The lip balm produced differed in the amount of nettle extract and different lyophilized berries. When comparing the organoleptic properties of the lip balm, the respondents liked the smell and color of lip balm with lyophilized berry berries and the consistency of lip balm with lyophilized actinide berries. As the color change in the lip balm has been observed in the fourth week, it can be said that they are not stable.