Baigiamajame bakalauro darbe aprašyta skubioji kontracepcija ir hormoninė kontracepcija, jų sudėtis, saugumas, efektyvumas. Paaiškinta aborto sąvoka, jo paplitimas, rūšys ir priežastys. Išnagrinėta farmacijos specialistų nuomonė apie skubiąją kontracepciją, hormoninę kontracepciją ir abortą.
Ištirta farmakotechnikos studijų programos studentų nuomonė apie skubiąją kontracepciją, hormoninę kontracepciją ir abortą. Išanalizavus mokslinę literatūrą bei atlikus duomenų analizę, buvo pateiktos išvados. Darbą sudaro turinys, santrauka, įvadas, literatūros analizė, tyrimo metodika ir metodai, išvados, rekomendacijos, literatūros sąrašas, priedai. Darbo apimtis – 45 psl., 39 bibliografiniai šaltiniai.
The relevancy of the topic. The pharmacy specialist plays an important role in consulting patients on various issues including reproductive health. All public pharmacies have medications for reproductive health like emergency and hormonal contraception. If you want to give high quality pharmaceutical service the most important thing is pharmacy‘s specialist knowledge, attitude and opinion about these medications. That‘s why there is more researches about this topic in foreign literature than in Lithuanian (Vencienė and Kanapeckienė, 2011). Abortion is inseparable from these medications because if they do not work as they should sometimes women choose to do abortion. Specialists who work in medical services attitude to these medications is not unambiguous however it is agreed that emergency and hormonal contraception is better than abortion. That‘s why pharmacy specialist has to be prepared to consult patient even about abortion. The objective of research – to estimate pharmacy technician student’s opinion about emergency contraception, hormonal contraception and abortion. Research tasks: 1. To describe emergency contraception and hormonal contraception composition, efficiency, safety and theoretically explain prevalence, types and reasons of abortion. 2. To estimate pharmacy specialist’s opinion about emergency contraception, hormonal contraception and abortion. 3. To disclose pharmacy technician student’s opinion about emergency contraception, hormonal contraception and abortion. Methodology. Analysis of scientific literature and anonymous survey was made for this research. 119 surveys were collected from Kaunas college pharmacy technician study programs students to find out their opinion about emergency contraception, hormonal contraception and abortion. Research results. Majority of students of the third course pharmacy technician study program knew about emergency contraception, hormonal contraception and abortion. Most of the students appreciates emergency contraception positive and they think that safest hormonal contraception is hormonal spiral. Most of the students would justify abortion in an important reason. Conclusion. Pharmacy technician study program’s third course student’s knowledge about emergency contraception, hormonal contraception and abortion is good. Most of the students appreciates emergency contraception positive. A lot of students think that safest
hormonal contraception is hormonal spiral. Most of the students have lack of knowledge about legal abortion types in Lithuania but most of them would justify abortion if there is an important reason behind.