Baigiamajame bakalauro darbe buvo paaiškinta kas yra migrena, kokios yra pagrindinės migrenos rūšys, kokie yra migreną skatinantys veiksniai. Teoriškai paaiškintas migrenos problemai skirtų vaistinių preparatų vartojimas. Nustatytas sergančių migrena požiūris į vaistinius preparatus naudojamus migrenos problemai spręsti ir gyvenimo kokybei gerinti. Išnagrinėjus mokslinę literatūrą ir atlikus kiekybinę duomenų analizę pateiktos išvados. Baigiamąjį darbą sudaro santrauka, įvadas, du skyriai, išvados, rekomendacijos, literatūros sąrašas, priedas. Darbo apimtis – 61 psl. 72 literatūros šaltiniai.
The relevancy of the topic. Headaches are one of the most common disease, that regularly causes discomfort for every second person in the world (Bukina, Ryliskiene, 2016). According to epidemiological studies, around 10 to 20% of the world population faces migraine on regular bases. Women have tendency to get migraine 3 to 4 times more than men (Schürks, etc., 2009). Typically, age group of 25-55 years are most likely to suffer migraine attacks. (Lipton, etc., 2007). Since today, many people suffers massive headaches cause by migraine, researchers are looking for ways to prevent migraine attacks. One of prevention ways is the use of medication, that should be taken daily, in order to lower chances of the migraine attacks. Also, medicine is used to control frequency, duration and severity of the attacks (Bigal ir kt., 2002). The objective of research: Examine the point of view of population of using medication in order to prevent migraine attacks. Research tasks: 1. Coverage of factors, that causes migraine and different types of migraine. 2. Theoretical explanation of types of medication, that are used to prevent migraine. 3. To figure out, how likely people are willing to take medication in order to prevent migraine and improve their quality of life, that may have been disrupted because of the symptoms of migraine. Methodology: Analysis and systematisation of academic literature.Quantitative research was made by using anonymous online survey. Survey took place in between March and April, 2019. It was created using Google Docs ( Survey was published in many online community groups, also paper version of survey was handed out to customers in pharmacy during the time of the internship. Gathering and analysing data using Microsoft Excel. Conclusion of the results, that was gained during online and face-to-face surveys. Audience: Residents of Silute, that suffers migraine attacks. Research results. The results of the research revealed, that migraine does have negative affects on patient’s lifestyle. Migraine causes fatigue, which leads to lack of concentration and lack of physical activity. Respondents mostly uses Ibuprofen and triptans to stop the migraine attacks. Respondents are interested in safe daily doses of the medication, although they do not use any medication for prevention purposes.Most respondents never experienced the side effects of medication. The respondents claim that the consumption of medicinal products helps to stop migraine attacks and helps them continue to live their typical lifestyle quickly. Conclusion. Migraine is usually caused by stress, fatigue, sleep deprivation or noise. The main types of migracine are migraine with aura and without aura. Common analgesics, NSAIDs, triptans are used to stop or prevent the migraine attacks. Respondents often use ibuprofen, triptans, to stop the migraine attack and does not use medication for prevention purposes. The respondents
claim that the consumption of medication helps them quickly return to the usual daily rhythm and improves quality of their lives.