Teorinėje darbo dalyje pateikiami rodikliai, kurie leidžia atlikti įmonės veiklos analizę. Toliau nagrinėjami prognozavimo metodai, kuriuos naudojant numatomi ateities rezultatai. Praktinėje dalyje suprognozuotos finansinės ataskaitos ir išanalizuoti mokumo, pelningumo, stabilumo rodikliai. Įvertinus šiuos rodiklius, galima teigti, kad UAB „Gama“ pelningumas, mokumas ir stabilumas yra vertinama blogai arba vidutiniškai.
Modern, ever-changing, competitive environment, is causing more and more problems for the business. However, the ambition of each company is the best possible financial results for the company. To achieve the desired results, continuous monitoring of the company's activities is necessary; it is worthwhile to do a continuous analysis to find problematic places where the company could develop. Of course, financial results are not just profits or losses, so only the evaluation of this indicator will not help the company to be successful. It is therefore important to assess other indicators such as solvency, stability and profitability. After an analysis, a more targeted image of the company is visible and then conclusions can be drawn. However, there is another problem here. If the company has managed to maintain a good financial performance last year, it is not appropriate to blindly believe that the next year will be good. In order to avoid future problems with the financial results of the company, it is important to plan activities of the company and forecast possible financial results for the coming periods. The main problem of the professional BA thesis. Could the forecasting and analysis of financial results of “UAB Gama” create preconditions for improvement of these results? The aim of the professional BA thesis is to carry out forecasting of financial results of UAB Gama for the year 2019 and on the basis of it to analyse relative indicators. Methods of the professional BA thesis. A comparative analysis of scientific literature. The structure of the professional BA thesis. The work consists of two parts: theoretical and practical. The theoretical part of the final project discusses the conception of financial results, the analyzed relative indicators supporting financial results, as well as the forecasting methods on the basis of which financial statements of other periods are forecasted. The practical part presents the results obtained by calculations according to the relative indicators and forecasting methods described in the theoretical part. The results of the professional BA thesis. Summarizing the literature, it can be said that the company in order to achieve and maintain the best possible financial results, must constantly monitor the status of the company, its profitability, properly deal with the liabilities. In the theoretical part of the final project there are presented indicators that allow performing analysis of enterprise activity and forecasting methods, which are used to predict future results. In the practical part, financial statements are forecast and solvency, profitability and stability indicators are analyzed.
Evaluation, it can be said that the UAB "Gama" profitability, solvency and stability is estimated as bad or average.