Baigiamajame bakalauro darbe atskleista namų vaistinėlės laikymo vietos, namuose turimų vaistinių preparatų skaičius, atsakingumas taip pat nustatyta kaip farmacines atliekas gyventojai šalina iš namų.
Nustatytos priežastys dėl kurių atsiranda farmacinės atliekos, vaistinėlių laikymo ypatumai bei sąlygos. Išnagrinėjus mokslinę literatūrą bei atlikus tyrimo duomenų analizę buvo pateiktos išvados. Darbą sudaro du skyriai pirmą skyrių sudaro literatūros analizė, kurios tikslas aprašyti farmacinių atliekų atsiradimo priežastis, farmacinių atliekų reguliavimą, farmacinių atliekų keliamas grėsmes, bei farmacijos specialisto naudą surenkant farmacines atliekas. Antrame skyriuje aprašoma empirinio tyrimo metodika, pateikiami tyrimo rezultatai, kurio tikslas nustatyti gyventojų vaistų laikymo namuose ypatumus. Darbą sudaro: 17 paveikslėlių. Darbo apimtis: 44 puslapiai. 39 bibliografiniai šaltiniai
Lauros Salynaitės professional Bachelor's study “The specificities of residents drug storage at home”, study manager Dr. Jurgita Daukšienė: Kaunas College, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pharmacotechnics – Kaunas, 2019m.
The aim of the study – Identify and assess the specificities of residents drug storage at home.
Tasks of the study:
1. Describing the dangers and disposal of pharmaceutical waste.
2. To review the content, storage and responsibility of residents home drug kits.
3. To reveal the causes of pharmaceutical waste buildup and the disposal of pharmaceutical waste from the residential homes.
Methods: Analysis performed in the study of the scientific literature, an in-house survey with structured observation, questioned the residents of the two houses from the 120 apartments, 102 the residents of Kaunas agreed to answer the questions asked, the results obtained was calculated using statistical research methods.
Results: The biggest influence on the quantity of drugs in the home drug kit is age and chronic diseases. 77 percent (45) of elderly residents has chronic diseases, that is why they have a lot of drugs, and they later turn to pharmaceutical waste. Most common place for home drug kit is drawer or cabinet. Majority of residents answered, that they don’t have pharmaceutical waste at their home. 62 percent (63) of the residents answered, that main reason they have unused drugs at home, is that the disease is gone, 25 percent (26) residents said, other reason is the drug is expired. 17 percent (17) 41 percent (42) residents said they dispose of pharmaceutical waste with household waste. 65 percent (66) residents have not disposed of their pharmaceutical waste by returning it to the pharmacy.
Conclusions: Pharmaceutical waste poses a great threat to the environment. WHO confirms, that pharmaceutical waste in effluents is main reason for drinking water contamination with pharmaceuticals. Studies performed in various countries about pharmaceutical waste effect on fauna proved, this is one of the reasons, that some species population is declining. The residents of Vilijampolė district stores their home drug kits in various places. Most common are drawer in the kitchen, cabinet in the living room or bedroom.It was observed, that main reason residents have unused drugs at home, is that the disease is gone. The residents still dispose of pharmaceutical waste with household waste.