Baigiamajame bakalauro darbe buvo paaiškinti nesteroidinių vaistų nuo uždegimo ir skausmo (NVNU) veikimo mechanizmas, klasifikacija, vartojimas, nepageidaujamas poveikis. Teoriškai pagrįsta farmacijos specialistų teikiama farmacinė paslauga, įsigyjant NVNU visuomenės vaistinėje. Nustatyta farmacijos specialistų ir vaistinės pacientų nuomonė apie farmacinės paslaugos teikimą, vartojant NVNU.
Išnagrinėjus mokslinę - dalykinę literatūrą bei atlikus duomenų analizę buvo pateiktos išvados. Darbą sudaro įvadas, trys skyriai, išvados, literatūros sąrašas, priedai. Darbo apimtis – 62 psl. 47 bibliografinių šaltinių
Relevance. NSAIDs are used every day by more than 30 millions of people (Conaghan, 2012). These medications are widely spread because most of them can be purchased without the prescription. They are used to relieve the pain, reduce temperature and inflammation. Pharmacy specialists must inform the patient about the use of NSAIDs, indications, adverse reactions, dosage, and discipline of the use of medicines because uncontrolled use of NSAIDs may cause numerous dangerous side effects. Aim of the work: to reveal the opinion of pharmacy specialists and pharmacy patients about the use of NSAIDs. Objectives: 1) To explain the mechanism of action of NSAIDs as well as the classification, use, adverse effects. 2) To prove theoretically the pharmaceutical service provided by pharmacy specialists when purchasing NSAIDs in public pharmacy. 3) To determine the opinion of pharmacy specialists and pharmacy patients about the pharmaceutical service when using NSAIDs. Research Methods: analysis of scientific literature, survey in written, data analysis. Target group: 122 older patients of the pharmacy in Vilkaviskis who use NSAIDs and 33 pharmacy specialists from Kybartai and Vilkaviskis participated in the research. Conclusions: 1. Prostaglandins and thromboxanes are produced by inflammatory mediators synthesis by the action of COX. NSAIDs block enzyme COX inhibiting prostaglandins synthesis. NSAIDs are divided into groups according to chemical groups and selectivity. NSAIDs have antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic actions. Possible adverse reactions of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, and kidney function are more common in the elderly. 2. Competency of the pharmacy specialist - NSAIDs prescription principles, therefore they should have a sound knowledge about mechanisms of pain, be able to assess its localisations, nature and intensity, be able to assess the complaints of pharmacy patients, provide accurate and more detailed information about dosage of medicines, frequency and the period of use, give a proper and qualified advice regarding the safe use of medicines. Consultation and informing of pharmacy patients encourage appropriate use of a medicinal product as well as successful results of treatment. 3. The results of the research showed the elderly pharmacy patients know the indications of the NSAIDs. They use it to reduce back, joints and neuropathic pains, to decrease fever. The most common is oral non-prescription medicines, the most popular one is ibuprofen. According to pharmacy specialists, various factors could change the action of NSAIDs use in elderly pharmacy patients. The most common adverse reactions are as follows: disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system. Pharmacy specialists analyze prescriptions and
provide with the most appropriate NSAIDs product. The major part of the elderly pharmacy patients applies to pharmacy specialist once a month because it takes a long period to get an appointment to consult your GP. The elderly pharmacy patients are provided with an appropriate pharmaceutical service about the use of NSAIDs.