Išnagrinėti, kokias problemas patiria socialinis darbuotojas dirbdamas su proto negalią turinčiais asmenimis, dienos centre
Topic relevance – A social worker faces a number of difficulties when working with people with intellectual disabilities at a day care center. Social workers must work with people with intellectual disabilities who can be described as weak, in need of specific and constant care, and are dependent on the help of others. Thus, the duties of a social worker are to defend those who are vulnerable and to take care of them as they are unable to take care of themselves. This is achieved through involving the subjects into the process of socialization and by creating equal conditions for everyone to participate in any such activities. People with intellectual disabilities can and must be educated, therefore this thesis covers the grounds of examining what social worker experience when providing social services to people with such intellectual disabilities. Aim – to identify the difficulties faced by a social worker in dealing with people with intellectual disabilities at the day care center. Object – difficulties experienced by a social worker in working with people with intellectual disabilities at the day care center. Research question – what difficulties does a social worker face when working with people with intellectual disabilities at the day care center? Research method – qualitative research, partly structured interview method. 4 social workers working with with people with intellectual disabilities at two day care centers were interviewed. A non-probability, targeted, convenient informants selection was used. Research conclusion – social workers working with people with intellectual disabilities at the day care center face a number of difficulties: Using a variety of social work methodologies raises problems such as lack of personal attention to clients, competition between customers, anger and aggression, which makes it difficult for informants not only to work but also to handle the situation; When providing socio-cultural services, informants are faced with problems such as: physical disabilities of clients that restricts movement and has affects on the choice of busyness throughout the day, fear (height, sound, light), unwillingness to engage in proposed activities, and other limited opportunities and desires; During the study, problems were identified that have a negative impact on the quality of social services. The informants attributed these problems to the following sectors: changing the action plans and other amending matters, due to which the quality of work with people with intellectual disabilities lowers, shortage of employees, which hinders individual work with the client, and the absence of favorable conditions for recreation.