Specialiųjų poreikių turintys asmenys – plačiai visuomenėje žinomi asmenys, apie kuriuos susidarę klaidingi stereotipai, žmonės dažniausiai vengia kontakto su tokiais asmenimis, nes laiko juos nelygiaverčiais. Taip pat vyrauja išankstinės nuostatos, kad specialiųjų poreikių turintys asmenys yra ne savarankiški, nereikalingi visuomenei, žemo intelekto, kad jie yra kitokie žmonės nei mes visi. Taip yra todėl, kad mūsų visuomenėje vis dar trūksta tolerantiškumo, pagarbos vienas kitam, supratimo. Dienos socialinės globos centras teikia kompleksinę pagalbą specialiųjų poreikių turintiems asmenims. Siekiant suteikti efektyviausią pagalbą specialiųjų poreikių turintiems asmenims, dienos socialinės globos centre svarbu atskleisti, kaip yra taikomi socialinio darbo metodai dienos socialinės globos centre.
Relevance of the topic. People with special needs are people who are widely known in society and who have erroneous stereotypes, people usually avoid contact with such individuals because they regard them as unequal. There is also a presumption that people with special needs are not self-sufficient, needless for society, of low intelligence. Day social care centers provide complex assistance to people with special needs. In order to provide the most effective assistance to people with special needs, it is important to reveal how the methods of social work are applied in the social day care center. Work objective. To disclose the application of social work methods to persons with special needs who attend a day social care center for persons with disabilities. Work tasks. 1. To review the impact of special needs on human functioning. 2. Theoretically explain the activities of the day social care center for persons with disabilities. 3. Describe the social work methods used by the social worker at the day care center for persons with disabilities.4. Identify the application of social work methods for people with special needs who attend a day care center for people with disabilities. Working object. Application of Social Work Methods to Persons with Special Needs Visiting a Day Care Center for Persons with Disabilities. The question of research. How do social work methods apply to people with special needs who attend a day-care center for people with disabilities? Investigation method. Qualitative research, semi-structured interview. Two social workers working in a day care center with people with special needs were interviewed. The conclusions of the study. The study highlighted the application of social work humanistic - existential, systemic, behavioral, and crisis intervention methods to people with special needs attending. Using a crisis intervention model, social workers provide information, counseling, mediation, representation, and other services to clients in a day social care center. With the use of the systemic social work method, social workers often collaborate with different institutions. The study revealed that social workers provide psychological knowledge to their clients, develop self-esteem, self-confidence, which can be attributed to the method of humanistic-existential social work. The socialist approach to social work is aimed at encouraging clients to learn to take care of themselves.