Ši tema yra aktuali, nes literatūroje nėra pakankamai tyrimų, kuriuose būtų analizuojama užsieniečių vaikų socialinė adaptacija, kuomet jie atvyksta su savo šeima gyventi į pabėgėlių priėmimo centrą. Mūsų šalis priima pabėgėlius, kurie turi prisitaikyti prie naujos aplinkos tam, kad jų adaptacija būtų sėkminga. Didelė dalis į Lietuvą atvykstančių emigrantų yra ikimokyklinio ir mokyklinio amžiaus vaikai. Jie yra labiausiai pažeidžiama visuomenės dalis, kuri daugiau nei pusę pasaulio pabėgėlių (apie 22,5 mln.). Emigruoti susiruošusi šeima dažniausiai nepakankamai įvertina, kokios gali būti emigracijos psichologinės pasekmės visai šeimai, ypač jų vaikams. Jie neturi galimybės pasiruošti galimoms pasekmėms ir nežino kaip palengvinti vaikų adaptaciją svetimoje valstybėje. Socialine prasme vaikystė yra vienas reikšmingiausių žmogaus gyvenimo tarpsnių. Todėl vaikai yra priversti taikytis prie naujų gyvenimo aplinkybių ir sąlygų, negalėdami mėgautis džiaugsmais, kuriuos teikia nerūpestinga vaikystė. Lietuvos specialistams analizuoti jų problemas yra svarbu, nes tai būsimoji karta, kuri kurs naują gyvenimą mūsų šalyje.
Relevance of the topic. This subject is important, because there is a lack of research that analyzes foreigner children social adaptation when they arrive to live in a refugee reception center with their family. Our country accepts refugees, that have to adjust to a new country in order for their adaptation to be successful. A big part of emigrants that comes to Lithuania are preschool and school aged children. They are the most vulnerable part of the family, that makes up more than half of worlds refugees (about 22,5 million). They are a future generation, that will create a new life in a foreign country. Not every family that is prepared to emigrate evaluates the psychological consequences for them, especially their children. Parents don’t know how emigration might affect them, they don’t prepare for it and doesn’t know how to ease the adaptation for their children in a new nation. In social matters, childhood is the most significant period in a person’s lifetime. Because of this, children are forced to adapt to new circumstances and conditions of life and during that time, they can’t enjoy the joys of careless childhood. It is important for Lithuanian specialists to analyze their problems because it is the future generation that will create a new life in our country. Aim of the research: determine the social adaptation peculiarity of foreigner children in the refugee reception center. Object of the research: social adaptation of foreigner children in refugee reception center. Question of the research: what is the social adaptation peculiarity of foreigner children in the refugee reception center? Method of the research: a quantitative research was conducted in the refugee reception center. A questionnaire, which consisted of 22 questions, was given to parents of 25 children. The study was done on April of 2019. Conclusion of the research: Based on the analysis of the data from the study, most of the respondents left their home countries because of the political and religious persecution and human rights violations. According to the respondents, it is easier for a child to adapt to a new place of residence than for an adult. Only a small part of respondents had any knowledge about social adaptation of children. Almost one third of the respondents felt anxiety and joy when they arrived in the new country. During the period of social adaptation, one third of children cry, get sick, and experience emotional difficulties. More than a half of respondents marked, that their children started to communicate with others after few days from arrival. Almost all of the children attend educational institutions and willingly attends events organized by the Center. Almost half of the respondents marked that language learning is crucial for their child's social adaptation in the new environment, and one third thinks that learning new culture is no less important. According to the respondents, parents and kindergarten / school educators provides the most help when it comes to social adaptation. Almost all respondents noted that their children do not face discrimination. Half of the respondents indicated that their children's relationships with other children that are living in the center or going to kindergarten / school are very good. During social adaptation, children would benefit the most from the social worker's ability to develop artistic skills and to organize trips and sports activities, as well as counseling in developing the child's ability to communicate, establish and maintain interpersonal relationships and develop confidence in others and oneself.