Daugelyje išsivysčiusių šalių socialinio darbo ir socialinių paslaugų sritis, kurioje dirba socialiniai darbuotojai, priskiriama prie didesnės profesinės rizikos sričių. Lietuvoje Valstybinė darbo inspekcija, kasmet registruoja nelaimingus atsitikimus, kuriuos patiria socialinį darbą dirbantys žmonės. Pastarųjų metų įvykiai Lietuvoje (Lilijos Galkauskienės nužudymas 2016 m, socialinės darbuotojos užpuolimas Mostiškių kaime 2017 m ir kt.) verčia atkreipti didesnį dėmesį ne tik į šio darbo pavojingumą, bet analizuoti ką ir kaip reikia daryti, kaip organizuoti darbą, kad tokių nelaimių būtų išvengta. Baigiamojo darbo tema yra aktuali, kadangi yra analizuojamos problemos, su kuriomis socialiniai darbuotojai kasdien susiduria dirbdami su žmonėmis, kuriems socialines paslaugas valstybė yra įsipareigojusi teikti. Priešingai nei apie darbą su socialinę riziką patiriančiomis šeimomis, literatūros apie socialinio darbuotojo problemas, atliktus tyrimus yra labai nedaug.
Relevancy of subject of Thesis: In most of developed countries social work and social services provided by social workers are classed as work within increased occupational hazard environment. In Lithuania State Labour Inspectorate gets regularly reported about accidents experienced by people involved in social work. The events of recent years in Lithuania (i.e. assassination of Lilija Galkauskiene in 2016, social worker‘s assault in 2017 etc.) makes to pay more attention not only to how dangerous this work can be but also analyse what has to be done, what has to be changed, how the work has to be organized in order to avoid such accidents. Problems social workers are experiencing on daily basis whilst working with people whom the State is committed to provide social services are being analysed in this Thesis. It makes the subject to be relevant for this analysis. Contrarily to the variety of scientific literature available about work with clients receiving social services, there is a lack for research data about problems social workers are experiencing.
Purpose of Work. To identify problems social workers are experiencing while working with social risk families.
Object of work. Issues social workers are experiencing when working with social risk families.
Question of research. What are the problems social worker is facing when dealing with social risk families?
Methods of work:
1. The analysis of scientific literature. 2. Semi-structured interview and qualitative study. Survey carried out by interviewing four social workers who are working with social risk families. Conclusions. Research of problems social workers are facing when working with social risk families have shown that one of the key points is negative attitude of social risk families to the services social workers are providing and client’s approach to his problems. It challenges social worker‘s effort to help the client, to gain his trust and ability to familiarize the client with his problems and need of support. Upon completion of study it was also found that social workers are suffering from excessive workload stress caused by regular need to visit high number of families.