Dėl senėjančios visuomenės fenomeno socialinėse globos įstaigose auga socialinių paslaugų poreikis. Dėl augančio paslaugų poreikio atitinkamai auga ir darbuotojams tenkantis darbo krūvis, o dažnos stresą sąlygojančios situacijos ir kiti veiksniai neigiamai veikia socialinių darbuotojų psichoemocinę būseną ir kelią stresą. Stresas darbe sąlygoja prastesnę darbo kokybę, efektyvumą ir neigiamai veikia paties specialisto savijautą bei motyvaciją darbui.
Relevance of the work. Due to the phenomenon of an aging society, the need for social services is growing in social care institutions. Due to the growing demand for services, the workload of the employees increases accordingly and the frequent stressful situations and other factors negatively affect the psycho-emotional state of the social workers and the stress. Stress at work results in poorer quality of work, efficiency and negatively affects the well-being and motivation of the specialist.
Work aim – to identify the stress factors of social worker‘s working with elderly and old people in social care institutions.
Work object – stress factors of a social worker working with elderly and old people in social care institutions.
The question of research - what are the factors of stress experienced by a social worker with elderly and old people in a social care institution?
Methodology of investigation. Conducted a quantitative survey, social workers were interviewed by anonymous questionnaire survey. The questionnaire was prepared in paper and electronic form and distributed in the online space between social workers and social workers working at the Čiužakampis care home. The data was processed and submitted to MS Excel.
Conclusions. The results of the study revealed that all respondents are under stress. Half of the respondents said that work-related stress causes heart and sleep problems. Almost a third of respondents indicated that the main factor determining stress in professional activity is the peculiarities of communication with the elderly and the old. Less than a quarter said that the customer's peculiarities are related with negative emotional state, communication difficulties and unwillingness to receive help. Less than a quarter of respondents have also pointed out that workrelated stress is related with unevenly distributed workload, a lack of serious discussions and a reluctance to share experience and information. Almost a quarter of the determinants mentioned that worl-related stress in their occupational activities was attributed with the desire for good work and the effort involved to adequately assess the powerlessness of situations where it is difficult to find a suitable solution to the problem and overwhelming responsibility. Less than a quarter of respondents indicated that work-related stress can be reduced by training in knowledge and skills, by organizing supervisors, by stress training and by mutual assistance teams.