Teisiniu ir konstituciniu požiūriu pagrindinis pataisos įstaigos vaidmuo - asmens reabilitacija - paruošimas išėjimui į laisvę - jo reintegracija į visuomenę, socialinių įgūdžių ugdymas (García Jiméneza, Lorente García, 2014). Socialinės reabilitacijos bei reintegracijos svarbą sąlygoja aukštas nusikaltusių asmenų pakartotinis nusikalstamumo lygis. Nurodoma, kad per trejus metus po išleidimo maždaug du trečdaliai buvusių nusikaltusių asmenų vėl grįžta į įkalinimo įstaigas (Brown, 2011). Todėl anot Jungtinių Tautų Narkotikų ir Nusikalstamumo biuro teigimu socialinė reabilitacija įkalinimo įstaigose yra svarbi siekiant išvengti pakartotinio nusikalstamumo jau nusikaltusiems asmenims išėjus į laisvę (Curt ir kt., 2007; Galdikaitė, Kiričenko, 2017) ir yra laikoma efektyvia kovos su nusikalstamumu priemone (Kublickienė, 2014). Socialinės reabilitacijos, reintegracijos į visuomenę svarba, kaip pakartotinio nusikalstamumo sumažinimo priemonė akcentuojama ir užsienio mokslininkų kaip Chikadzi, (2017), Ovey (2014), Scheirs (2014), Davis ir kt. (2012), Zondi (2012), De Ridder ir kt. (2012) ir kt.
Social workers can play an important role in reducing recidivism through consultation, implementation of rehabilitation programs and social programs. They can help offenders adapt to standard norms and living conditions in society and encourage them to gain acceptable rules and patterns of behavior in society. Aim of the thesis: to determine the need of social workers in the social rehabilitation and reintegration of convicts at the Halfway house. The object of the work: the need of social workers in social rehabilitation and reintegration of convicts. The research question: what is the need for social workers to carry out social rehabilitation and reintegration of convicted offenders at Halfway House. Methods of work: analysis of scientific literature and legal acts, comparative analysis, analysis of statistical data, quantitative research (questionnaire survey), data analysis. According to the data Halfway House is engaged in rehabilitation and reintegration of convicts into society - this is done by increasing the employment of convicts, organizing various events, trips, cooperating with various organizations, applying rehabilitation programs, carrying out other approbated group and individual social skills, art therapy and preventive programs. Halfway House detainees often communicates with social workers, appreciates the services they provide, and want more services, they think they are needed at Halfway House, because communicating with social workers motivates them to improve and feel better what many of their problems resolve. And social skills training sessions - which are also attended by the majority of Halfway House residents - convicts, help them identify problems, find solutions, make decisions, resolve conflicts, objectively assess themselves and others, communicate and establish relationships, and even handle household and interrogate others.