Benamystė – tai individo, šeimos ar bendruomenės, neturinčios stabilaus, saugaus, nuolatinio, tinkamo būsto, padėtis ir negalėjimas jo įsigyti. Tačiau benamystė nėra pasirinkimas ir yra daug priežasčių, kodėl žmonės patiria benamystę. Ši gyvenimo situacija yra pavojinga, izoliuojanti žmogų nuo visuomeninio gyvenimo, netgi pražūtinga. Benamystę patiriančius žmones slegia daugybė įvairių problemų, kurių jie išspręsti nepajėgia, todėl jiems reikalinga profesionalų pagalba. Visuomenės akimis kiekviena socialinė grupė buvo ir yra toleruojamos skirtingai, labai dažnai galima susidurti su visuomenėje nusistovėjusiomis nuostatomis, priešiškumu benamystę patiriančių žmonių atžvilgiu. Norint suteikti šiems žmonėms pagalbą ir integruoti juos į visuomenę, labai svarbu keisti visuomenėje vyraujančias nuostatas.
Relevance of the topic. Homelessness is the situation in which an individual, a family or a community is unable to acquire a stable, safe, permanent and decent housing. However, homelessness is not a choice and there are many reasons why people experience homelessness. This kind of situation in life can be dangerous; it can isolate a person from any social life and even be disastrous. People who experience homelessness are faced with various problems that they are unable to solve, therefore, they are in need of professional help. In the eyes of the public, each social group has been and still is accepted differently; there are many cases in which the prevailing attitudes of society and hostility towards people experiencing homelessness is faced. In order to provide these people with help and integrate them into society, it is very important to change the prevailing attitudes in society. The object of the thesis is the attitudes of future social workers towards people who experience homelessness. The aim of the thesis is to reveal the attitudes of future social workers concerning homeless people. The research question - what are the prevailing attitudes of future social workers regarding homeless people? The research methods. The study was carried out in the higher education institution, 37 part time social work students in their 4th year of studies have been interviewed. The questionnaire survey method was chosen for the research. The subjects were selected using purposive, non-probability sampling technique. The questionnaire consists of 20 questions. The survey was conducted in April 2019. Conclusions. The results of the study revealed the attitudes of future social workers regarding people who experience homelessness. It turned out that the attitudes of respondents are divided into two parts – 55 percent of the respondents have a negative attitude, they do not tend to give money to them, they usually avoid homeless people. 45 percent of respondents tend to sympathize with the homeless individuals, sometimes giving them food, money; they believe that these are the people who have experienced many difficulties in life. However, none of the respondents expressed a desire to work with people experiencing homelessness. 85 percent of the surveyed students said that people who deal with homelessness find themselves in such a situation due to the use of alcohol. The majority of respondents agree that homeless people require social assistance. Respondents admit that working with homeless people is too risky and unappealing. 95 percent of them have no social work experience with homeless people. Thus, the results confirm the previous research results by I. Luobikienė (2004) and the Social Research Institute (2005), proving that the prevailing attitudes towards homeless people are more negative than positive.