Problemų, kurių turi šeimos, yra viena skaudžiausių šiuolaikinės visuomenės problemų. Dažniausiai tokiose šeimose labiausiai nukenčia vaikai. Problemų turinčiose šeimose, emocinis bendravimas yra sutrikęs, šeimos aplinka neužtikrina sveiko ir produktyvaus vaiko augimo, tobulėjimo, vystymosi. Kokybiškos ir laiku teikiamos socialinės paslaugos gali padėti vaikui ir šeimai išspręsti iškilusius sunkumus, padėti užtikrinti vaiko fizinį, emocinį saugumą, sustiprinti šeimos narių tarpusavio santykius, padėti tėvams išugdyti socialinius ir tėvystės įgūdžius. Viena iš institucinės pagalbos formų problemų turinčiai šeimai ir jose augantiems vaikams – vaikų dienos centras.
Relevance of the work: Problems of families are one of the most painful problems of modern society. Most often in such families children are most affected. In families with problems, emotional communication is disturbed, family environment does not ensure healthy and productive growth, development and development of a child. High-quality and timely social services can help the child and the family overcome the difficulties they face, help ensure the child's physical, emotional security, strengthen family relationships, and help parents develop social and parenting skills. One of the forms of institutional support for a family with problems and their children is the Children's Day Center (CDC). Object of the study: the need for a day care center for children in rural areas. Work tasks: 1.Discover the leisure time and employment needs of children with problematic families. 2.To define the concept of child day care center and its activity goals. 3. Discuss the peculiarities of the child's developmental stage and the factors influencing it. 4. Investigate the need for a day care center for children in rural areas. Research problem: What is the need for a day care center in a rural area. Investigation method: Quantitative research. The questionnaire survey method was chosen for the survey of the respondents, preparing a questionnaire specifically for the survey. Research participants: The study was attended by 76 people living in one rural area and having children. Results and conclusions: The results of the study showed that children in the rural area are very deprived of employment, and the choice of the facilities offered by the educational establishment is not high. The results of the study showed that the day care center for children is very much needed in rural areas. The results of the study showed that the services offered by day care centers for children would really be relevant and useful for children in rural areas for their development.