Baigiamajame bakalauro darbe atskleista mažalapės liepos fitocheminė sudėtis, farmakologinis poveikis, paplitimas. Nustatytas bendras fenolinių junginių ir flavonoidų kiekis mažalapės liepos žieduose. Išnagrinėjus mokslinę literatūrą bei atlikus tyrimo duomenų analizę buvo pateiktos išvados. Darbą sudaro du skyriai pirmą skyrių sudaro literatūros analizė, kurios tikslas aprašyti mažalapės liepos fitocheminę sudėtį, farmakologinį poveikį, panaudojimą medicinoje. Antrame skyriuje aprašoma empirinio tyrimo metodika, pateikiami tyrimo rezultatai, kurio tikslas nustatyti fenolinių junginių ir flavonoidų bendrą kiekį mažalapės liepos žieduose. Darbą sudaro:9 paveikslėliai,1 lentelė. Darbo apimtis: 31 puslapiai, 31 bibliografiniai šaltiniai
What is relevant from a scientific point of view is that raw material of the medicinal lime tree distinguishes oneself by anti-bacterial, anti-oxidative, spasmolytic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory effects, which leads to the use of small-leaved lime trees in the treatment and prevention of various diseases. It is expedient to carry out studies to assess the quantity of these herbs. Study purpose: disclose favonoid and phenolic compounds in the blossoms of small-leaved lime trees grown in different places. Study task: 1. Describe the phenolic compounds in the blossoms of small-leaved lime trees (Tilia cordata Mill.) and their pharmacological effect that are identified in the scientific literature. 2. To determine the total amount of phenolic compounds in water extracts of small-leaved lime trees (Tilia cordata Mill) by using the Folin - Ciocalteu method. 3. To determine the total amount of flavonoids in water extracts of small-leaved lime tree blossoms using the colorimetric aluminum chloride method. Study methods : in the study spektrofotometric method is used to determine the total amount of phenolic compounds, colorimetric aluminum chloride method is used to determine the total amount of flavonoids in raw materials, literature analysis method (analysis of medicinal raw materials), Microsoft Office Excel 2007 ( data analysis methods ) . Results: the highest amount of phenolic compounds is excreted by storing the infusion for 10 minutes. Maximum total phenolic compounds content was found in raw material that was collected in Ukmergė district (166.94 mg/g), the lowest quantity of phenolic compounds content was found in raw material that was collected in Kelmė District (116.66mg/g). Maximum total flavonoids quantity was found in the blossoms of small-leaved lime trees, which were collected in Kelmė District (2.76%), while the lowest amount of flavonoids was found in raw material collected in Rokiškis town (0.817%). Conclusions: in the scientific literature are described two main phenolic compounds found in blossoms of small-leaved lime trees: quercetin and kaempferol. Because of flavonoids quercetin and kaempferol glycosides present in the composition, medicinal plants have pain reducing characteristics, anxiolytic and sedative effect, because of these chemical compounds lime tree raw materials can be used as auxiliary measure to treat neurological and mental disorders like depression and anxiety. The total amount of phenolic compounds in the infusions of the small-leaved lime tree blossoms was determined to be higher if it is stored as the manufaturer instructs for 10 minutes instead of 5 minutes. We can say that the method
of preparing lime blossoms is better when you store it for more than 5 minutes. We also found out from the results of the study that the highest amount of phenolic compounds was found in the raw material of small-leaved lime trees, which was collected in Ukmergė district, the amount of biologically active substances in the plant raw material depends on the growth conditions, the soil and the minerals obtained. The results showed that infusions that were made by storing it for 10 minutes had higher amount of flavonoid compounds in the raw material, than the infusions of raw materials that were stored for 5 minutes. We can suggest that storing the infusion for 10 minutes excludes more phenolic compounds. Also the biggest ammount of flavonoid compounds was found in the raw material of small-leaved lime trees which was collected Kelme District.