Baigiamajame bakalauro darbe buvo paaiškintas vitamino A poveikis žmogaus organizme regos, imuninės, embriono vystymosi ir odos sistemose. Aprašyti simptomai, esant vitamino A trūkumui bei apsinuodijimui. Aprašyta farmacijos specialistų teikiama farmacinė paslauga.
Nustatytos studentų žinios apie vitamino A poveikį ir reikšmę žmogaus organizmui ir jų nuomonė apie farmacijos specialisto veiklą konsultuojant pacientus renkantis vitaminą A. Išnagrinėjus mokslinę - dalykinę literatūrą bei atlikus duomenų analizę buvo pateiktos išvados. Darbą sudaro įvadas, du skyriai, išvados, literatūros sąrašas, priedai. Darbo apimtis – 47 psl. 47 bibliografinių šaltinių
College student knowledge about vitamin A effect and signifance for human body. Author: Silvija Karpavičiūtė (Pharmacovigilance Study Program). Work supervisor: lact. Danguolė Grūnovienė. Kaunas College, Faculty of Medicine, Departament of Pharmacy – Kaunas, 2019.
Relevance: vitamin A deficiency is widespread in the world due to human lack of information about its importance. Due to this reason there are higher rist to get sicknesses such as measles or night blindness.
Reaserch aim: to reveal the knowledge of Kaunas X college student, about vitamin A, it’s effect and significance to human body.
Tasks: 1.Study the effect of vitamin A on human body, bassed on scientific literature. Discuss the pharmaceutical service provided by the pharmaceutical specialist in the selection of vitamin A.2. Identify the awareness of the Kaunas X college student about the effect of vitamin A on the human body.
Methodology: 1. Analysis of scientific literature. 2. An empirical study by anonymous questtionnarie suvey.3. Conducting the research by sharing questionnaries online for Kaunas X college students. 4. Analysis of results and summary was made uing Microsoft Offise Excel 2016 program.
Conclusions: 1. Vitamin A is important to skin, vision, immune and embryonic development system. The skin affects by restoring, if defficiant then shows skin dryness, rashes. Supports day and night vision, if defficiant – blurres vision. Involved in the process fo developing and regulating immune system, defficianty risens risk of infectious diseases. Formulates the development of the embryo, lack of vitamin A can lead to malformations. Poisoning causes: headache, skin rashes, vomiting. Parmacy professionals, have to tell to patients: vitamin A preparations, how they work, how to use it, their dosage and sings of poisoning. 2. More than half of the subjects thinks that vitamin A is a multifunctional, fat-soluble retinol compound that is important to vision, heathy embryonic development and growth, skin protection and membrane regeneration, and wrinkle removal. Most of th subjects disagree that the deficianty of vitamin A increases the risk of infectious diseases, and activates imuune cells. The subjects agree that pharmaceutical specialists should inform the patient about functioning, use, dosage, possible sings of poisioning of vitamin A