Darbe nagrinėjama socialinio darbuotojo veikla su emigrantais iš Lietuvos priklausomybės ligų reabilitacijos centre Jungtinėje Karalystėje. Didžiulė emigracija iš Lietuvos lemia šios temos aktualumą. Žmonės išvyksta iš Lietuvos kamuojami įvairių sunkumų ir tikėdamiesi naujoje šalyje tas problemas išspręsti. Dažnas emigrantas ne tik kad neišsprendžia savo sunkumų, bet dar ir susiduria su naujais. Vienas iš jų - priklausomybė nuo psichoaktyvių medžiagų. Yra pakankamai daug būdų padėti priklausomiems nuo psichoaktyvių medžiagų asmenims, tačiau svarbiausia, kad teikiama pagalba būtų kompleksiška. Jungtinėje Karalystėje kompleksinę pagalbą priklausomiems nuo psichoaktyvių medžiagų asmenims teikia priklausomybės ligų reabilitacijos centras, tačiau socialinio darbuotojo veikla su emigrantais iš Lietuvos Jungtinėje Karalystėje dar nebuvo tirta. Todėl svarbu išsiaiškinti kokią veiklą atlieka socialinis darbuotojas padedant spręsti emigrantų iš Lietuvos problemas,
kilusias dėl priklausomybės psichoaktyvioms medžiagoms.
Relevance of the topic: the work studies the activities of social worker related with emigrants from Lithuania at the rehabilitation center of addictive diseases in the United Kingdom. The study is relevant as the emigration from Lithuania is very high. People are leaving Lithuania because they are facing various difficulties and are hoping to solve these problems in the new country. However, many emigrants not only do not solve their difficulties but also face new ones. One of them is dependence on psychoactive substances. There are many ways to help people who are addicted to psychoactive substances, but most importantly, the assistance provided must be complex. Rehabilitation center of addictive diseases provides comprehensive assistance to individuals dependent on psychoactive substances in the United Kingdom, but the work of a social worker with emigrants from Lithuania has not yet been studied in the United Kingdom. Therefore, it is important to find out what the social worker is doing to help solve the problems of emigrants from Lithuania related with their dependence on psychoactive substances.
Aim of the study: to determine activities of social worker with emigrants from Lithuania at the rehabilitation center of addictive diseases in the United Kingdom. Object of the study: activities of social worker with emigrants from Lithuania at the rehabilitation center of addictive diseases in the United Kingdom. Matter of the study: what are the activities of social worker with emigrants from Lithuania at the rehabilitation center of addictive diseases in the United Kingdom?
Method of the study – questionnaire. Non-probability sampling, targeted selection. 23 respondents were interviewed. Respondents were emigrants from Lithuania, dependent on psychoactive substances, participating in the psychosocial rehabilitation program of the rehabilitation center of addictive diseases in the United Kingdom.
Conclusions of the study: results of the study revealed that emigrants from Lithuania, dependent on psychoactive substances, attending rehabilitation center of addictive diseases in the United Kingdom most often recognize the activities of a social worker, which help to solve health problems and problems related to work. Participants of the survey also recognize other social worker activities that help to solve financial, social skills problems and challenges of labor market integration. According to the respondents, the social worker most rarely performs activities related to the involvement of family members in the assistance process and their counseling, they are also not involved into educational activities - cooperation with educational institutions and organization of qualification improvement and qualification acquisition courses.