Vaikų dienos centrų tema šiuo metu yra aktuali, nes nuo 2017 metų liepos mėnesio juos gali lankyti visų šeimų vaikai, ne tik socialinę riziką patiriantys asmenys. Tačiau siekiant pagerinti vaikų ateitį būtina atsižvelgti į socialinius darbuotojus dirbančius vaikų dienos centruose. Sprendžiant iškilusius sunkumus galima pagerinti ne tik socialinių darbuotojų darbo kokybę, bet ir labiau juos motyvuoti.
The theme of the children's day centres is currently topical as from July 2017 children of all families can attend them, not just those who are exposed to social risks. However, social workers at day-care centres play an important role there in order to improve the future of children. It is important not only to improve the quality of work of social workers, but also to motivate them more. The topic of the work: Social workers experiencing difficulties while working with young teens (12 to 14 years) in children’s day care centres. The main aim of this work is to reveal the difficulties encountered by social workers while working with young teens (12 to 14 years) in children's day care centres. The subject matter of the work: difficulties encountered by social workers while working with young teens in children’s day care centres. The method of the work was the collecting and analysing information about day centres, social workers working in these institutions and the training they took part in. Research question - what difficulties do social workers face while working with young teens in children’s day care centres? An anonymous survey was drawn up for the quantitative study of the 14 questions, helping to gather relevant information for the survey. In examining the results of the study, it can be concluded that the difficulties faced by social workers must be addressed, since the quality of their work depends on the services they receive from children. Social workers prepare children for their lives, so it is important for every employee to ensure the quality of the service provided.