Darbe nagrinėjamos socialinių darbuotojų profesinės patirtys, dirbančių su proto negalią turinčiais jaunuoliais socialinės globos įstaigoje. Socialiniai darbuotojai kasdien susiduria su įvairiausiais iššūkiais, kurie reikalauja didelių pastangų, bei komandinio darbo, koordinuojant užimtumo užsiėmimus, bei tarpininkaujant ir atstovaujant jaunuolius, norint padėti jaunuoliams jaustis savarankiškesniems pilnavertiškiems, lygiateisiams visuomenės nariams.
Relevance of the topic: The work deals with the professional experience of social workers working with mentally disabled young people in social care institutions. Social workers face various challenges on a daily basis, which require considerable effort, teamwork, coordination of employment, and mediation and representation of young people to help young people feel more independent, equal, equal members of society. Aim of the work: To determine the professional experience of social workers in social care institutions working with mentally disabled young people. Working object: 1. Analyze legislation governing the provision of social services for the disabled. 2. Describe the variety of social services provided in a social care institution. 3. To reveal the professional experience of social workers in social care institutions when dealing with young people with intellectual disabilities. Research question: What are the professional experiences of social workers in social care institutions when dealing with young people with intellectual disabilities? Research Method: The paper presents the analysis of scientific literature and interviews. In order to reveal the professional experience of social workers in a social care institution, the method of qualitative research was chosen when working with young people with intellectual disabilities. In the qualitative study, using the semi-structured interview method, 5 social workers working in a social care institution with young people with intellectual disabilities were interviewed. The aim of this study was to reveal the professional experience of social workers in a social care institution with young people with intellectual disabilities. The study concluded that: the choice of the profession of social workers in a social care institution, working with young people with intellectual disabilities, was determined by the desire to help people, accepting the challenge, internal satisfaction. Factors that raise doubts about survival at work are too many jobs, teamwork is missing. Factors that encourage staying are peer support, supervision, various courses that teach you how to deal with situations in social care homes when dealing with mentally handicapped young people.