Lietuva, kaip ir daugelis kitų pasaulio šalių, išgyvena gana sudėtingą permainų laikotarpį. Vaikai yra labiausiai pažeidžiama visuomenės dalis. Vaikystėje vystosi fiziniai ir intelektualiniai gebėjimai, formuojasi gyvenimo įgūdžiai, todėl neišvengiamai reikia stengtis pažinti delinkventinio elgesio vaikų išskirtinius bruožus, elgesio ypatumus, susipažinti su pagrindiniais pagalbos būdais ir priemonėmis, kad būtų galima sėkmingai vykdyti netinkamo elgesio prevenciją ir užkirsti kelią vaikų nusižengimams. Tinkamas socialinio darbuotojo darbas, tikslingai parinkti metodai, stipri komanda, gali padėti tokiems vaikams pažinti ir koreguoti savo destruktyvius polinkius, atrasti naują kryptį gyvenime, padėti lengviau integruotis į visuomenę ir gyventi sveiką socialinį gyvenimą. Atliktas tyrimas bus naudingas socialiniams darbuotojams, dirbantiems su delinkventinio elgesio vaikais, gyvenančiais vaikų globos namuose.
Relevance of the theme : : Lithuania, like many other parts of the world, is experiencing a rather difficult period of change. Children are the most vulnerable part of society. In childhood, physical and intellectual abilities develop and life skills are formed. Therefore, inevitably, one must try to get to know the distinctive features of the delinquent behavior of children, the peculiarities of their behavior and the basic ways and means of assistance in order to successfully prevent ill-treatment and prevent child misconduct. Proper social work, targeted methods, a strong team, research and analysis can help such children know and correct their destructive tendencies, discover a new direction in life, help children integrate more easily into society, and lead a healthy social life. Practical importance of the work : Work results will help for social workers who works with delinquent behavior children from orphanages and for other specialist who works with children’s. The aim of the work : Investigate social workers activity with delinquent behavior children from orphanages. The object of the research : Social workers activity with delinquent behavior children from orphanages. The question of the research: What kind of activity carries social workers with delinquent behavior children from orphanages. Research methods : Quantitative research was performed when 25 social workers was interviewed by southwest Lithuania district children orphanages. Used questionnaire closed questions. Conclusion of the research : The majority of respondents in their activities with children with delinquent behavior value their behavior, provide counseling, perform individual work with each child. Many of the respondents conduct various activities delinquently for the child to stop and correct delinquent child behavior. The majority of respondents indicate that tackling the problem of delinquency in children is hampered by the lack of time. Almost half of the respondents point out that the problems caused by the delinquent behavior of children are hampered by the closeness of children.