Šiandieninėje Lietuvoje, socialinės paslaugos išlieka labai aktualia tema, nes visuomenė nuolat susiduria su įvairiomis socialinėmis problemomis. Lietuvoje aktyviai vykdomos programos pagerinti socialinę padėtį, bet tuo pačiu susiduriama su tam tikra problematika, kaip paslaugų prieinamumas, žinomumas, gyventojų abejingumas bei demotyvacija seniūnijose vykdomai veiklai. Prieinamumas yra ypač aktualus klausimas rajono savivaldybėse gyvenantiems asmenims, kurie nuolat susiduria su sunkumais, apsunkinančiais paslaugų gavimą. Dažniausiai nurodomos kliūtys: informacijos apie teikiamas paslaugas nebuvimas ar trūkumas, nežinojimas, kad galima kreiptis pagalbos bei reikiamų paslaugų trūkumas savivaldybėse.
Relevance of the theme. Nowadays, social services are a relevant theme in Lithuania as the
society continuously faces various social problems. Although the programs to improve the social situation
have been actively implemented in Lithuania, there are certain issues as the accessibility of the services,
the awareness of the services, indifference and demotivation of the residents in respect of the activities
carried out in elderships. Accessibility is especially relevant for those persons, who reside in district
municipalities and constantly face difficulties, complicating the access to services. The most often
identified obstacles: absence or lack of information about the provided services, not knowing about the
possibility to apply for help, and lack of the required services in municipalities.
The aim of research: To reveal the accessibility of social services to the residents of the district
The object of research. Accessibility of social services to the residents of the district
The question of research. What is the accessibility of social services to the residents of the
district municipality?
The method of research. Quantitative – questionnaire survey. The subjects included the
residents of the district municipality, who accepted to take part in the survey. 44 people took part in the
The conclusion of research. The results of the quantitative research revealed that the
accessibility of social services to the residents of the district municipality is determined by objective and
subjective factors. The objective factors, including residing in a geographically disadvantaged area,
transport issues, health issues, limited income and lack of required services, were very suitable or partly
suitable for more than a half of the respondents, and only a small proportion of the respondents found
them unsuitable. Speaking about subjective factors, the following factors were significant for almost all
residents of the district municipality: people do not know that they can apply for help or people do not
want to seek help. Furthermore, the results of the research revealed that the accessibility of social services
in the district municipality is only partially good, almost all respondents feel lack of information and
absence of tools for communicating the aforementioned information. The vast majority of the surveyed
ones identified the following obstacles that limit the accessibility of social services: indifference and
demotivation of residents in respect of the activities carried out in elderships, lack of motivational
measures, inappropriate education and competence of social workers, and mismatch of the provided