Socialinio darbo specialistai dirba su įvairios srities žmonėmis, šeimomis, senyvo amžiaus žmonėmis, turinčių sutrikimų žmonėmis, vaikais ir kt. Dirbdamas socialinis darbuotojas atlieka funkcijas tokias kaip : teikia konsultacijas, organizuoja paslaugas, tarpininkauja, atstovauja už savo klientą. Dirbant su vaikais gyvenančiais bendruomeniniuose vaikų globos namuose, galima pastebėti, kad šios funkcijos niekur nedingsta, o tik yra papildomos dar kitomis pareigybėmis ir tuo labiau yra pritaikomos dirbant savo srityje. Dirbant bendruomeniniuose vaikų globos namuose, socialiniui darbuotojui tenka susidurti su vaikų vagiliavimu, kuris nėra retai pasitaikantis atvejis. Dėl to – svarbu susikoncentruoti į vaiką, į priežastis, kas galėjo lemtį jų tokį poelgį ir bandyti sustabdyti tai kiek tik įmanoma. Tai problema, kurią darbuotojas kaip savo srities specialistas dirbantis su vaikais turi gebėti išspręsti ir atrasti būdų, todėl svarbu, atskleisti, kokia veiklą vykdo socialinis darbuotojas dirbantis su vagiliaujančiais bendruomeninių globos namų auklėtiniais.
Relevance of the topic – Social work specialists work with people from different backrounds, families, elderly people with disabilities, children and others. While working, a social worker performs functions such as: advising, organizing services, mediating, representing for his client. When working with children living in communal homes for children it can be noticed that these functions are nowhere to go, and are only complemented by other jobs and are more suitable for working in their own field. When working in communal homes for children, a social worker has to deal with children that have stealing problems. This is a problem that the employee has to be able to solve and discover ways of children as his / her own areas, therefore it is important to reveal what kind of activity a social worker is working with children from communal homes that have stealing problems.
Work objective – social worker‘s activity working with children from communal child care homes.
Work purpose – to determine social worker‘s activity working with communal child care home children, which have a stealing problems.
Research question – what kind of activity does a social worker do when dealing with children from communal child care homes that have problems stealing.
Research method – qualitative research was chosen, data collection instrument – unstructured interview.
Research insight – A qualitative study revealed that a social worker working with with children from communal homes that have problems stealing should be able to discover a relationship with the child so that he can get around to gain confidence because the child will only be able to tell what is happening inside of him then. Also, this work research will reveal that a social worker has to work with other insitutions, even those where the child has done theft. It is necessary to provide advice, represent the child, organize the services, when the child is provided with psychological counseling, mediates with the child’s guardians or even the parents themselves, the administration of the community child care home.