Pasirinkta baigiamojo darbo tema yra aktuali šiandieninėje visuomenėje, nes 14-16 metų paaugliai ruošiasi savarankiškam gyvenimui, nori įgyti daug naujų patirčių, susipažinti su naujovėmis. Vaikų dienos centruose juos ruošia ir ugdo socialiniai darbuotojai, esantys neatsiejama ir labai svarbi dalis šiame procese. Jie teikia sociokultūrines paslaugas, atliepiančias pagrindinius šių paauglių poreikius. Jauno žmogaus asmenybės augimas yra svarbiausias tobulėjančioje šiandieninėje visuomenėje.
The relevance of the topic. The selected theme of the final thesis is topical in today's society, because teenagers aged 14-16 are preparing for independent life, want to gain a lot of new experiences, get to know the innovations. They are prepared and educated by social workers in Children’s Day Care centers and they are an inseparable and very important part of this process. Social workers provide socio-cultural services, respond to the basic needs of these teenagers. The growth of a young person's personality is the most important thing in today's society. Aim of study: to determine the roles of a social worker in providing socio-cultural services for 14-16 year old teenagers in day care centers. Subject matter of the research: roles of a social worker in providing socio-cultural services for 14-16 year old teenagers in day care centers. Problem question of the research: what are the roles of a social worker in providing socio-cultural services to adolescents aged 14-16 in day care centers for children? Method of the research: quantitative research. Analysis of scientific literature, online survey questionnaire (open and closed questions) and analysis of research data. Findings of the research: The study revealed that a social worker by providing socio-cultural services to teenagers aged 1416 at Children's Day Care Center performs a lot of different roles. The majority of the social workers surveyed in the study confirmed almost unanimously that the most effective roles responding to the needs of a 14-16 year old teenagers by providing socio-cultural services are the organizer, teacher and role of empowerer. It was emphasized that the benefits for these teenagers were particularly high because at Children's Day Care Center the help of social workers and their professional knowledge and methods they use, the adolescents can gain experience to solve the problems themselves and find out new information. By the opinion of the investigators this is especially important for teenagers aged 14-16 who are learning to live independently.