Priklausomybė nuo psichotropinių medžiagų yra daug metų aktuali socialinė problema tiek Lietuvoje, tiek ir kitose pasaulio šalyse. Visuomenėje nuolat daugėja asmenų priklausančių nuo psichotropinių medžiagų. Asmenys, vartojantys psichotropines medžiagas yra priskiriami socialinei atskirčiai, jie iš visuomenės yra tarsi išbraukiami, todėl susiduria su eile socialinių problemų. Tad, vieni iš pirmųjų suteikiantys pagalbą tokiems asmenims, būna socialiniai darbuotojai. Norėdami suteikti reikiamą pagalbą priklausantiems asmenims, socialiniai darbuotojai susiduria su įvairaus pobūdžio sunkumais, kurie apsunkina pagalbos procesą.
Relevance of the theme: Addiction of psychotropic substances has been a social problem for many years in Lithuania and in other countries in the world. The number of addicted people in society is constantly increasing. Individuals who use psychotropic substances are classified as social exclusion; they are excluded from the society, and therefore face a series of social problems. One of the first, who gives a support to addict individuals, is a social worker. Social workers are facing various kinds of difficulties in providing appropriate assistance to addicts. The aim of the research: Is to find out what difficulties social workers face while working with persons who are addicted to psychotropic substances. The subject matter of the research: Difficulties encountered by a social worker in dealing with persons with psychotropic addiction. The problem question: Is what difficulties social workers face when dealing with persons with psychotropic addiction. The method of the research: The research method is a qualitative study, and the data collection tool is a semi-structured interview. A structured type of interview has been chosen because of the possibility to meet with social workers and addicted people in a natural environment and get a deeper insight into the subject under pre-defined questions. The findings of the research: By summarizing the difficulties faced by social workers in dealing with persons with psychotropic dependence, it was found out that social workers, when dealing with dependent persons, face personal, social, professional difficulties as well as customer indifference and lack of motivation, which also complicates the process of assistance provided.