Darbo tema aktuali, nes socialiniai darbuotojai vaikų dienos centruose veikloje su vaikais vis dažniau taiko dailės terapijos elementus. Dailės užsiėmimai socialiniame darbe su vaikais yra naudingi, nes jų metu ugdomi vaikų bendravimo įgūdžiai, individualumas, pasitikėjimas savimi bei kūrybiškumas, vaikai mokosi socialiai priimtinai reikšti jausmus, kuriama saugi, rami aplinka, kurioje vaikai gali atsipalaiduoti.
The relevance of the topic: The topic of the thesis is relevant because social workers in centres of children welfare are frequently applying elements of art therapy in activities with children. Art activities are important in social work with children because children develop their communication skills, individuality, self-esteem, creativity. Children also learn how to express their feelings in proper ways and relax in a safe and calm environment. The aim of the thesis: To determine problems experienced by social worker while applying elements of art therapy in children welfare centers. The subject matter of the thesis: Problems experienced by a social worker while applying elements of art therapy in centres of children welfare. The question of the survey: Which problems does a social worker experience while applying elements of art therapy in centres of children welfare? The method of the thesis: Quantitative research. The findings of the thesis: The research data revealed that the absolute majority of respondents rate the use of art therapy elements in activities with children as meaningful and applicable, more than half - apply it at least once a week. One third of respondents think that application of art therapy elements helps develop childrens creativity, ability to express emotions. problems experienced while applying art therapy elements in activities with children a fourth of respondents associate them with insufficient preparation and a lack of time because of a heavy workload. A fifth indicate that they encounter a lack of art supply variety and insufficiency of space to perform art activities. Even three quarters of the respondents asserted that they have not participated in training on the application of art therapy element while working with children and only a fifth of the respondents feel ready to professionally apply art therapy elements. To feel more professional for a third of respondents it would help to get a better understanding of art therapy elements applications, for a fourth – better skill in interpreting children’s drawings, for almost a fifth – the ability to analyze children’s creative activities, for more than a tenth – knowledge about behavior rules which are followed while organizing art therapy activities and knowledge about tools used in art. For a fourth of the respondents training about applicable art therapy elements and tools would be effective, for a fifth – seminars about better experience and collaboration with colleagues, art therapists, psychologists. For more than a sixth of the respondents psychologist’s consultations which help to better interpret children’s drawings would be useful.