Muzikos terapijos elementų taikymo galimybės socialiniame darbe su vaikais yra mažai nagrinėta tema Lietuvoje. Muzikos terapijos paslaugos yra plačiai pritaikomos socialiniame darbe. Muzika stipriai paveikia žmones, dėl to pasitelkiant muzikos terapijos elementų taikymą socialiniame darbe yra įmanoma padėti vaikams sprendžiant jų socialines problemas. Dėl šių priežasčių buvo tikslinga išsiaiškinti būsimų socialinių darbuotojų nuostatas į muzikos terapijos elementų taikymą vaikų dienos centruose.
The relevance of the thesis: The application of music therapy elements while working with children is a topic that is poorly examined in Lithuania. Music therapy services are broadly applicable in social work. Music strongly affects people and that is why using music therapy elements in social work it is possible to help people in solving their social problems. Because of these reasons it was correct in finding out the attitudes of future social workers towards the use of music therapy elements in childrens day care centres. The aim of the thesis: To reveal the attitudes of future social workers towards the use of music therapy elements in childrens day care centres. The subject matter of the thesis: Attitudes of future social workers towards the use of music therapy elements in children day care centres. The question of the suvey: What are the attitudes of future social workers towards the use of music therapy elements in children day care centres? The method of the thesis: Quantitative research. The findings of the thesis: The data of the carried out research reveals that two thirds of the 50 questioned respondents do not have knowledge about the elements of music therapy and only a third of the respondents asserted that they have knowledge about them. More than a third of the respondents asserted that they learned about music therapy elements from various information sources. However, it is noteworthy to mention that less than a third of the respondents learned about the elements of music therapy from lectures. Two thirds of the respondents asserted that they do not have enough knowledge about the application possibilities of music therapy elements in children day care centres and only a third of the respondents asserted that they have partially enough knowledge about the application possibilities of music therapy elements in children day care centres. From the research data it can be seen that more than two thirds of the respondents believe that music therapy elements are necessary in children day care centres and only a third of the respondents believe that music therapy elements are partially necessary in children day care centres. It is noteworthy to mention that none of the respondents indicated that music therapy elements are unnecessary in children day care centres.