Psichosocialinė reabilitacija kaip ir socialinis darbas- jauna veiklos sritis, reikalaujanti didelės asmens kompetencijos įvairiose srityse. Teisinės, medicininės ir psichologinės žinos tik viena iš sudedamųjų dalių, kurias privalo žinoti ir mokėti pritaikyti socialinis darbuotojas. Psichosocialinė reabilitacija- gyvuojanti vos pirmą dešimtmetį, tai yra viena iš prioritetinių psichikos sveikatos paslaugų Lietuvoje, kurios dėka psichikos negalią turintys asmenys turi galimybę integruotis į visuomenės gyvenimą ir aktyviai jame dalyvauti. Vykdydamas psichosocialinės reabilitacijos procesą, socialinis darbuotojas remiasi savo profesinėmis kompetencijomis, įgūdžiais, žiniomis bei vertybėmis. Nauji darbo metodai, inovacijų pritaikymas, leidžia produktyviai bei efektyviai dirbti psichosocialinės reabilitacijos įstaigose, bei pasiekti norimų rezultatų. Šiandien pasauliniu mastu sveikatos sektoriui ir socialinėms tarnyboms reikia alternatyvų tradiciniam gydymui, gydymui, reabilitacijai ir darbo praktikai. Green Care koncepcija yra žemės ūkio, ūkių ir biotinių bei abiotinių gamtos elementų naudojimas sveikatai ir gydymui, skatinant intervencijas kaip pagrindą skatinti žmonių psichinę ir fizinę sveikatą, taip pat gyvenimo kokybę
The relevance of the topic. Psychosocial rehabilitation as a social work is a new field of activity that requires a high level of personal competence in various fields. The legal, medical and psychological knowledge will know only one of the components that a social worker must know and be able to adapt. Psychosocial rehabilitation, which has been in existence just for a decade, is one of the key mental health services in Lithuania, which makes it possible for people with mental disabilities to integrate into society and participate actively in it. In the process of psychosocial rehabilitation, the social worker relies on professional competences, skills, knowledge and values. New working methods, application of innovations, enable to work efficiently and effectively institutions of psychosocial rehabilitation institutions and achieve desired results. Today, globally, the health sector and social services need alternatives to traditional treatments, rehabilitation and work practices. The Green Care concept is the use of agriculture, farms and biotic and abiotic elements for health and treatment, promoting interventions as a basis for promoting people's mental and physical health as well as quality of life. The aim of the thesis. To reveal the opportunities for social workers using the Green Care concept in a institution of psychosocial rehabilitation The subject of the thesis. Opportunities for social workers using the Green Care concept in a psychosocial rehabilitation institution. The research question. What are the opportunities for a social worker to apply the Green Care concept in a psychosocial rehabilitation institution? The research methodology. Qualitative research, semi-structured interview. Interview questions are based on the analysis of scientific literature. There are 16 questions for the respondents. Practical significance. The results of the research may be useful for social workers working in the institution of psychosocial rehabilitation who want to learn about the opportunities of applying the Green Care concept. The research insights. Traditional attitudes of medical and public health to illness and health are one of the achievements of modern science. Today, however, society is increasingly confronted with various forms of poor health related to the rapid pace of life. The Green Care concept allows various customer groups to actively participate in activities related to nature and animals. The qualitative research has revealed that social workers use a single part of the concept in the psychosocial rehabilitation section. The opportunities for social worker’s activity are limited, regulated by law, and therefore not all components of the Green Care concept are adapted to work practice. The limitations of the practice of social work in a psychosocial rehabilitation institution by applying the Green Care concept most occur by the lack of specialist knowledge in this field, lack of tools and facilities adapted to activities, lack of customer motivation, and lack of social partners.