Dažnas jaunuolis šiandieninėje visuomenėje susiduria su naujais iššūkiais, neatsakytais klausimais ir savęs ieškojimu. Tapimas nepriklausomu, savo identiteto paieškos, tinkamų sprendimų atradimas, profesinės krypties apsvarstymas - viskas yra orientuojama į ateitį. Pasak Atvirųjų jaunimo centrų ir erdvių koncepcijos (2010) Vakarų Europoje atviras darbas su jaunimu yra ilgametes tradicijas turinti darbo su jaunimu forma 2006 m. pradėjusi tvirtintis Lietuvoje. Ši darbo forma yra skirta padėti jauno žmogaus ugdymuisi ir individualiam augimui, jo socializacijos skatinimui ir prasmingo laisvalaikio planavimui. Socialinio darbo kontekste ši tema nėra itin nagrinėjama. Taip pat, ne visuose atviruose jaunimo centruose dirba socialiniai darbuotojai. Norint ištirti socialinio darbuotojo veiklos poreikį jaunuoliams, kurie lanko atvirą jaunimo centrą, reikėtų išanalizuoti centro lankytojų nuomonę šia tema.
Revelance of the research. In today‘s society, a young person frequently faces new challenges, unanswered questions, and self-search. According to the Concept of Open Youth Centres and Spaces (2010) in Western Europe, open work with the youth is a form of youth work with a long- life tradition that has started its development in Lithuania since 2006. This form of work is designed to help young people to develop and grow individually, promote their socialization and plan meaningful leisure. In Lithuania social work with young people, as a group of clients, is not that much researched. Not all open youth centres have social workers, so it would be important to describe activities of a social worker in this field, to discuss law aspects of youth, as well as training of social workers and improving the preparation of social workers in this field. It would be appropriate to analyse the views of an open youth centre on this topic. The aim of the research. Reveal the need of a social worker for young people who are attending an open youth centre. Object of the thesis. The need of a social worker for young people who are attending an open youth centre. The research‘s question. What is the need of a social worker activities for young people attending an open youth center? Methods of empirical research. Analysis of scientific literature, questionnaire survey, statistical data analysis. A quantitative descriptive study was conducted in order to analyze the need for the activity of a social worker for young people attending an open youth center. The main findings. The results of the research reveal that the activity of a social worker for the respondents is the most important while solving psychological problems, addiction to harmful habits, problems with bad relationships and parents. The respondents also said that social worker’s counselling is necessary for them in order to develop skills for overcoming problems and to develop their ability to communicate, establish and maintain interpersonal relationships. According to the respondents, the mediation activity of a social worker is necessary for them in cooperation with the volunteers of the open youth centre and helping to obtain necessary services. The respondents indicated that they needed socio-cultural activities of the social worker while organizing their leisure time, various trips and making food.