Baigiamajame bakalauro darbe buvo aptartas gyventojų požiūris į nereceptinių vaistų įsigijimą mažmeninėse prekybos vietose, išanalizuoti moksliniai straipsniai susiję su savigyda, farmacine paslauga bei galimybę įsigyti nereceptinius vaistus mažmeninėse prekybos vietose.
Nustatyta respondentų nuomonė apie nereceptinių vaistų įsigyjimą mažmeninėse prekybos vietose. Išnagrinėjus mokslinę - dalykinę literatūrą bei atlikus duomenų analizę buvo pateiktos išvados. Darbą sudaro įvadas, du skyriai, išvados, literatūros sąrašas, priedai. Darbo apimtis – 49 psl., 16 bibliografiniai šaltiniai.
When people purchace an over the counter drugs in a pharmacy, the pharmaceutical specialist not only selects the best ones according to the existing patient complaints, but also provides a pharmaceutical service: explains safe and effective use of the over the counter drug, informs about the risk factors of self-medication. Can people really manage without pharmaceutical services and buy non-prescription medicines at retail outlets? Ieva Ziabkinaitė, a student of the Kaunas Kolegija, Faculty of Medicine, presents the bachelor thesis „Attitudes of the population towards purchasing of over the counter drugs at retail outlets“. The aim of the study is to reveal the attitude of the population towards the acquisition of non-prescription medicinal products at retail outlets. Tasks: 1. To theoretically discuss the needs of purchasing over the counter drugs at retail outlets. 2. Discuss the concept of self-medication, its use and risk actions, also its link with over the counter drugs. 3. Disclose pharmaceutical services value, its importance and the impact for population. 4. To investigate the need of residents to purchase over the counter drugs in retail outlets.
The work was carried out in a professional and scientific literature analysis, questionnaire designed to determine what is the attitude of the population to purchase non-prescription medicinal products in retail outlets. The study surveyed 140 people who acquired non-prescription medicinal products in the public pharmacy. The survey summarized the social demographic data of respondents, their attitude towards providing pharmaceutical consultancy to public pharmacies and acquisition of over the counter drugs at retail outlets. The investigation revealed that the survey showed that more than half of respondents would still prefer to buy over the counter drugs in public pharmacies. However, it is clear that almost one third of respondents tend to think about purchasing over the counter drugs at retail outlets. This is mainly due to longer working hours than public pharmacies, distance from home and respondents say that it is easier to find a retail outlet than a working pharmacy when traveling.