Lietuvoje ši tema nėra išsamiai analizuota, todėl, siekiant užtikrinti
darbuotojų saugą ir sveikatą reikia atlikti objektyvius patalpų
mikroklimato parametrų matavimus, taip pat apklausti darbuotojus.
Tokiu būdu galima nustatyti problemines darbo zonas ir sukurti
veiksmingą prevencijos priemonių planą, kaip išvengti arba
sumažinti veikiančių faktorių sąsajas su darbuotojų sveikata
Relevance of the work. In Lithuania, this topic has not been thoroughly analyzed, therefore objective measurements of indoor microclimate parameters, as well as interviews with employees, are necessary to ensure the safety and health of employees. In this way, problematic work areas can be identified and an effective preventive action plan can be developed on how to prevent or minimize the link between working factors and workers' health.
Purpose. Evaluate the links between the physical factors and the health complaints of employees at the workplace of Jonava city X health care institution.
Methodology of investigation. Analysis of scientific publications and literature. Quantitative research anonymous questionnaire survey. Statistical analysis was performed using Microsoft Exel and SPSS 20.0 for Microsoft Windows.
Results. Employees of the health care institution of Jonava city X mostly complained about dry weather, lack of fresh air, noisy and too warm working environment and fluctuations in temperature of work environment. Women more often than men felt changes in the working environment, and more complaints had a working environment of 40-60 years employees of a health care institution belonging to the age group of 6 to 15 years of service. The majority of respondents value their health well. Employees who spend full-time in the premises complained more often: temperature changes, lack of fresh air and warm rooms, as well as more frequent complaints: dry eye and fatigue, headaches. Medical staff who indicated that they had computer and / or medical equipment on their premises more often complained about: temperature changes, electric discharges and warm rooms.
Conclusions. Worker's health complaints: headache, fatigue, lack of concentration, eye irritation, dryness and fatigue, blocked nose, dry face and hand skin are related to work environment factors: excessive temperature and fluctuations, dry air, lack of fresh air , inadequate lighting and noisy environment.