Baigiamajame darbe buvo įvertinta Kauno kolegijos kompiuterių klaviatūrų mikrobinė tarša prieš paskaitas, nuvalius antibakterinėmis servetėlėmis ir po paskaitų. Išnagrinėjus mokslinę ir dalykinę literatūrą, atlikus kokybinį mikrobiologinį tyrimą plovinių metodu buvo pateiktos išvados ir rekomendacijos. Darbą sudaro įvadas, literatūros analizė, empirinio tyrimo metodika, rezultatų aptarimas, išvados, rekomendacijos, literatūros sąrašas bei priedai. Darbo apimtis 41 puslapis, naudota 35 literatūros šaltiniai.
Information Technology is one of the most appreciated discoveries in recent decades. With a certain intensity of the spread of computers to various spheres of human activity, questions arise naturally about the impact of a computer and its working environment on human health. Due to the frequent skin contact with the other human microflora, computer devices can act as a reservoir of pathogenic microorganisms in our daily environment.
Aim of the research: to evaluate microbial pollution of computer keyboards of Kaunas College.
Objectives of the research:
1. Discuss scientific data on microbial sources of computer keyboards and survival of microorganisms on environmental surfaces;
2. Identify microbial contamination of computer keyboards;
3. Compare computer microbial contamination against lectures by removing antibacterial wipes and after lectures.
Samples for the study were collected in the information technology classes of Kaunas College, Faculty of Medicine. For microbiological testing in each class, samples were taken by the washing method from computer keyboards before the first lecture, after cleaning with antibacterial wipes to disinfect computer surfaces and after the last lecture. A total of 150 samples were taken: 50 samples before lectures, 50 after cleaning and 50 after lectures. Samples were tested at the Microbiology Laboratory of Kaunas College, Faculty of Medicine, in accordance with LST EN ISO 14698 - 1 standard.
Results. Staphylococcus aureus, coliform and Enterococcus spp. bacteria were found. Computer keyboards were mainly found to contain coliform bacteria, which accounted for more than half of all positive results. The microbial contamination of computer keyboards after the lectures of the day was higher than before the lectures.
Conclusions. The biggest microbial contamination on computer keyboards is caused by normal intestinal microflora bacteria. These bacteria in the environment show the state of environmental hygiene and also have a direct impact on the spread of infectious diseases. It has been found that a computer keyboard that is pathogenic to humans is more polluted after lectures than in the first half of the day. However, pre-lectures on computer keyboards have detected environmental microbial contamination bacteria.