Baigiamajame bakalauro darbe buvo identifikuoti mikroorganizmai esantys žalioje vištienoje, ištirtas rastų mikroorganizmų antimikrobinis atsparumas. Išnagrinėjus mokslinę literatūrą ir atlikus kokybinį mikrobiologinį tyrimą, buvo pateiktos išvados ir rekomendacijos. Darbą sudaro: įvadas, literatūrinė ir praktinė dalis, išvados, rekomendacijos, literatūros sąrašas bei priedai. Darbo apimtis: 41 lapai, 32 literatūros šaltiniai.
In many countries recently chicken usage increased. It may be affected by cheaper production, fast bird growth, high meat nutritional value. Also chicken meat usage is increasing Together with this bigger risk to get sick of food-born diseases. (Barbut S., 2016). By Kirk M. and others (2015), with polluted food for people it can be transmitted more than 200 different diseases. In the world constantly are registered sickness of foodborn diseases. Sickness of foodborn diseases are increasing massively. Other important problem - numerous antibacterial material usage allowing to appear of resistant bacterial types. Antimicrobial materials more often used not only in medicine but also in agriculture - as growth-promoting materials (Berandonk ir kt., 2015).
Aim of the research – to determine microbiological indicator in raw chiken
Objectives of the research:
1. To discuss scientific and sustainable literature about raw chicken, based there microorganisms and diseases caused by them
2. To determine E. coli S. aureus and Salomanella spp. bacteria in raw chiken
3. To define the immune of microorganisms which found in chicken to antibiotics
Methodology of the research: discussed scientific literature, was made microbiological raw chiken research. Microorganism sensitivity of antimicrobials determination.
The research findings and conclusion: after microbiological examination, was noticed that E. Coli bacteria can be found in raw chicken. Was noticed that most E. Coli bacteria can be found in chiken liver. Biggest resistance from antimicrobials had microorganisms found in chiken liver. Biggest bacteria resistance has been set for ampicillin antibiotic. All E. Coli species founded in chicken thigh and chiken liver was resistant from ampicillin. Smaller resistance from antimicrobials had microorganisms found in chicken thighs and chicken breasts