Baigiamajame bakalauro darbe buvo išsiaiškinta, kokia yra mobiliųjų telefonų ekranų mikrobinė tarša, ar antibakterinės servetėlės turi antimikrobinį poveikį.
Išnagrinėjus mokslinę ir dalykinę literatūrą, atlikus mikrobiologinį tyrimą,
buvo pateiktos išvados ir rekomendacijos. Darbą sudaro įvadas, du
skyriai, išvados, rekomendacijos, tyrimo rezultatų viešinimas, literatūros
sąrašas bei priedai. Darbo apimtis – 30 psl be priedų, 5 paveikslai, 21 bibliografinis šaltinis
Every time we use a cell phone, its surface is contaminated with bacteria from what we use them with- our hands. Bacteria is largely spread through hands since we use them for countless activities, such as flushing a toilet or shaking hands with another bacterium carrying person. Unsuitable hand hygiene can lead to pathogenic bacteria spreading to our cellphone screens. Ultimately, with our cellphones we can not only spread information, but also proliferate pathogenic bacteria.
Aim of the study: to assess the microbic pollution on cellphone screens.
Objectives of the study:
1. To describe in theory the microbic pollution of cellphone screens.
2. To assess the microbic pollution on cellphone screens before and after cleaning with antibacterial wipes.
3. Compare between the female and male students of University of Applied Sciences microbic pollution of cellphone screens.
The research was carried out in the University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, microbiology laboratory. For microbiology research 100 samples were taken with swabs – 75 samples from students females’ cellphone screens and 25 samples from males‘ cellphone screens. After the first collection with swabs, the same cellphone screens were cleaned with „Grande Gloria“ manufacturer antibacterial wipes (active ingredient – benzalkonium chloride), another 100 samples were taken with swabs from the same cellphones. During the research from 100 samples 4 environmental pathogenic bacterias were determined and identified, which made all in all 400 agar plates. The research was made and followed by LST EN ISO 14698-1 standard.
Following the research of cellphones microbic pollution on screens, it was established that a quarter of the cellphone screens were identified Enterococcus spp and S. aureus. One fifth of samples were identified coliform bacteria, and E. coli was only present in one sample. The bacteria discovered in the research shows that most of students do not maintain effective hand hygiene.
S. aureus, Enterococcus spp. and coliform bacteria grows more on students males cellphone screens than on the females’. E. coli was found on one female‘s cellphone screen sample.
Antibacterial swipes, which have the active ingredient – benzalkonium chlride, have the antimicrobial effect against environmental pathogenic bacteria. After the cleaning with „Grande Gloria“ manufacturer‘s antibacterial wipes, only a few of the samples bacteria grew