Tyrimo metu buvo analizuojamos „ALVA“ ispaniško šalavijo (CHIA) sėklos. Kilmės šalis: Kinija. Buvo tiriamas fenolinių junginių kiekis ir antioksidacinis aktyvumas, jų priklausomybė nuo ispaniško šalavijo (CHIA) sėklų ekstraktų koncentracijos ir ekstrakcijos laiko
As group of people promoting healthy eating increased, the demand of healthy food also increased. Food from folk medicine now becomes more popular among people who wants to prevent diseases such as obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular problems. Seeds of Salvia hispanica (CHIA) has the necessary features to prevent diseases like this. (Mohd, A. N., Yeap, S. K. ir kt., 2012)
Aim: Evaluate the quality of Salvia hispanica seeds (CHIA) by the amount of phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity.
The goals:
1. Using scientific literature to reveal the phytocomponents and and their biological activity and impact on human health in Salvia hispanica seeds (CHIA);
2. Determine the total amount of phenolic compounds in Salvia hispanica seeds(CHIA);
3. To evaluate the antioxidant properties of Salvia hispanica seeds(CHIA);
Description. „ALVA“ Salvia hispanica seeds (CHIA) were analyzed during the study. Country of origin: China. The amount of phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity from Salvia hispanica seeds (CHIA) extract concentrations and extraction time were investigated.
Research methods:
1. Analysis of scientific literature on phytocomponents in Salvia hispanica seeds (CHIA) and their biological activity and effects on human health.
2. Qualitative study – evaluation of quality of CHIA seeds by the total amount of phenolic compounds (Folin – Ciocalteu method) and antioxidant activity (DPPH radical scavenging method).
3. Statistical data analysis with MS Excel 2010 program.
Results and conclusions. Research showed that the total amount of phenolic compounds does not depend on extract concentrations and extraction time, meanwhile antioxidant activity directly depends on extract concentrations and extraction time when concentration is up to 4 percent. Were found that antioxidant activity did not correlate with the amound of phenolic compounds.