Baigiamajame bakalauro darbe buvo ištirta mikrobinė tarša Kauno miesto viešajame transporte. Aprašyta dalykinėje ir mokslinėje literatūroje pateikta informacija apie viešojo transporto mikrobinę taršą ir mikrobinės taršos įtaką sveikatai. Atlikus mikrobiologinį tyrimą buvo pateiktos išvados ir rekomendacijos. Darbą sudaro santrauka, įvadas, du skyriai, išvados, rekomendacijos, literatūros sąrašas bei priedai. Darbo apimtis – 32 psl. teksto be priedų, 6 lentelės, 5 paveikslai, 28 literatūros šaltiniai
The expansion of public transport networks allows safe, fast and cheap travel. Every day of the week, all year round, passengers can choose the desired route to their destination. This increases the level of mobility for citizens who are non-drivers (disabled, schoolchildren and etc.). As other cities in Lithuania, Kaunas has a well-developed public transport that is used by people of various ages, profession and social classes. Pathogenic microorganisms, which can cause mild or severe infections, are easily spread in a large stream of people, and therefore not only personal hygiene, but also professional in-vehicle maintenance is important.
Aim of research: to evaluate microbial contamination of public transport in Kaunas city.
Objectives of the research:
1. To describe bacterial contamination on public transport and bacterial contamination impact on human health by using substantive and scientific literature
2. To determine microbial contamination of public transport in Kaunas city.
3. To compare microbial contamination in Kaunas city during different season.
An on-demand contract No. F23-269 has been signed with UAB „Kauno autobusai“. The study was carried out in the buses and trolleybuses in Kaunas city by using a microbiological surface wipe-rinse technique, taking samples during all four quarters of the year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. 24 samples were taken during each season from the respective internal surfaces of public transport (handles, handrails, seats) and total of 96 public transport surfaces were tested. All 96 samples were analyzed at the Microbiology Laboratory of the Department of Medical Technology and Dietetics, at Kauno Kolegija and tested according to LST EN ISO 14698-1 standard.
Following a microbiological study in public transport, it was found that Enterococcus spp., S. aureus, E. coli and coliform bacteria were detected during all seasons. It was observed that there was no growth detected of P. aeruginosa bacteria in the winter which is the coldest of all seasons. The highest growth of bacteria was observed in the spring, lower – in the summer and in the autumn, and the lowest – in the winter. Such bacterial growth may have been influenced by the usage of personal protective equipment such as gloves and scarves. Personal protective equipment prevents the microorganisms invasion which spread of contact and airborne ways