Baigiamojo darbo metu, bus nustatoma medaus botaninės sudėties ir jo fizikinių rodiklių sąsaja. Literatūros analizėje analizuojama medaus kilmė, jo naudojimas, cheminė, bei botaninė sudėtis ir fizikiniai medaus rodikliai. Empirinio tyrimo metodikoje išvardinami metodai naudoti tyrimui atlikti: medaus mėginių botaninės sudėties nustatymas mikroskopuojant nucentrifūguotas žiedadulkes. Diastazės aktyvumas vertinimas naudojant J.E. Šadės modifikuotą J. W. Vaito ir H. Hadorno metodą. Medaus drėgmės kiekio nustatymas refraktometro pagalba. Medaus rūgštingumo nustatymas titruojant ėminį NaOH. Rezultatuose pateikiami rezultatai gauti atlikus tyrimą
The results of this study, which was done in 2019 at Kaunas College, Department of Medical Technology and Diet, are relevant to beekeepers from whom honey samples were taken. After learning the results, they will learn about the botanical composition and quality of their collected honey. The study explores the link between the botanical composition of honey and its physical characteristics, which characterize the quality of honey. The study looked at ten samples from various regions of Lithuania that were obtained from beekeepers in September - November 2018. The most important criterion for collecting honey samples was that honey could not be older than one year. The methods used in the study were described in the Order of the Minister of Agriculture of Lithuania on methods of honey analysis: determination of botanical composition of honey samples by microscoping centrified pollen. Evaluation of diastase activity using J.E. Schade‘s modified method of J.Weith and Hadorn. Determination of Honey Moisture by Refractometer.
The results of the study reflected the fact that the physical indicators of honey depend on its botanical composition. It was also noted that the composition of honey collected from the same area was similar but uneven. Buckwheat honey had the highest acidity and diastase activity was one of the lowest in the samples tested. The honey sample with the lowest number of diastase activity was monofloral honey harvested in Radviliskis district, it did not exceed the established moisture limit, but its acidity was also one of the highest - 30 milliequivalents per kilogram.