Baigiamajame bakalauro darbe buvo aprašyta Didžiosios dilgėlės morfologija, jos panaudojimas medicinoje, fenolinių junginių ir flavonidų reikšmė organizmui, aprašyti antioksidantai ir jų klasifikacija.
Nustatytas bendras fenolinių junginių ir flavonoidų kiekis dilgėlių lapuose, surinktuose Lietuvoje, Mažeikių miestelyje bei įsigytuose vienoje iš Lietuvos visuomeninių vaistinių. Darbą sudaro įvadas, du skyriai, išvados, literatūros sąrašas. Darbo apimtis – 30psl. 35 bibliografinių šaltinių
Relevance of the topic. For thousands of years, plants have been considered as a major factor in pharmaceuticals and medicine worldwide and to date, new ways of treating plants are being invented. The use of plant extracts is extremely popular among people for treating or preventing various diseases. The most commonly used medicinal herbs for the treatment of infectious diseases, because they contain biologically active compounds - flavonoids and phenolic compounds, which have antimicrobial activity. The large nettle is a relatively widely used herbal medicine that accumulates carvacrol, e-anethole and other antimicrobials that help the body protect itself against disease. The large nettle contains many phenolic compounds and flavanoids that act as strong antioxidants.
The aim of the study is to determine the amount of phenolic compounds in the large nettle, growing in the homestead of the homestead and obtained by industrial means. Tasks of the research: 1.Theoretical description of phenolic compounds identified in scientific articles in large nettle leaves and their application in medicine. 2. Determine the total amount of phenolic compounds in nettle leaves using the Folin - Ciocalteu method and the total amount of flavonoids using the aluminum chloride colorimetric method.
In the final work scientific literature analysis and experimental research was performed. Spectrophotometric method was used to investigate the amounts of phenolic compounds and flavonoids in nettle leaves. The study was conducted in 2019. February - May. Nettle leaves in Mazeikiai, during flowering and large nettle leaf tea bought in one of the Lithuanian public pharmacies were collected for research. Nettle leaves were shredded with a shredder and prepared with spirit extracts, and also made with nettle leaf tea. Folin - Ciocalteu reagent is used to determine the amount of phenolic compounds and aluminum chloride is used to detect flavonoids. The amount of phenolic compounds is expressed as mg dry matter of GAE / 1g plant, and the percentage of flavonoids in the routine equivalent. The test was repeated 3 times. The diagrams are drawn using MS Excel 2010 computer program.
The results of the study showed that more phenolic compounds were found in the vegetable raw material collected at the homestead, and much less was found in the raw nettle vegetable raw material purchased in the public pharmacy. The data from the study showed that flavonoids from plant raw material growing in natural vegetation are higher than from raw material purchased in public pharmacy.