Darbo tikslas: įvertinti sergančių skrandžio opalige ir kitomis ligomis pacientų mitybos ypatumus.
Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Teoriškai paaiškinti, kokie veiksniai skatina skrandžio opaligės atsiradimą, ligos epidemiologija, etiologija, simptomai, priežastys, gydymas, komplikacijos, paplitimas; 2. Aprašyti, kokie turi būti tinkamos mitybos principai sergant skrandžio opalige ir siekiant jos išvengti; 3. Atskleisti respondentų nuomonę, apie jų mitybos ypatumus bei gyvenimo būdą, pateikti rekomendacinį vienos dienos mitybos planą.
Išvados ir rezultatai: 1. Apibendrinus, galima teigti, jog pagrindinis skrandžio opaligės sukėlėjas yra H. pylori, tačiau norint išvengti šios ligos būtina laikytis nurodytų gydytojo reikalavimų, sunaikinti bakteriją, užgydyti opą ir neleisti jai paūmėti. Reikėtų vengti stresinių situacijų, būti fiziškai aktyviam, visiškai atsisakyti žalingų įpročių rūkymo bei alkoholinių gėrimų. 2. Pagrindiniai mitybos principai siekiant išvengti ligos – atsisakyti produktų, kurie iššaukia ligos simptomus. Rekomenduojama atsisakyti sauso, greito, aštraus, riebaus, daug druskos turinčio maisto. 3. Remiantis apklausos rezultatais, galima daryti išvadą, kad didžioji dalis respondentų yra susidūrę virškinimo sutrikimais bei simptomais. Apklaustieji nurodė, kad dažniausiai skrandžio opaligę išprovokuojantys veiksniai yra netinkama mityba bei stresinės situacijos
Gastric ulcer is one of the most common gastrointestinal, gastric diseases caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). Patients infected with H. pylori are often afflicted with various digestive disorders, but they can cause disorders: stress, rhythm of life, various medications, harmful habits, lack of diet and inappropriate eating habits, and abuse of fast, poor quality food.
The aim of the bachelor thesis is to analyze and evaluate the nutritional peculiarities of patients with gastric ulcer and other diseases. The main tasks: to explain in theory what factors stimulate the appearance of gastric ulcer, the epidemiology and etiology of the disease, possible symptoms and complications; reveal what products need to refuse patients with gastric ulcer, and what are the recommended consumption; to evaluate the nutritional peculiarities of patients and their way of life according to the results of the study, to provide a one-day guidance diet plan for a gastric ulcer patient.
This bachelor thesis explains and analyzes the concept of gastric ulcer, the epidemiology of the disease, the possible etiologies of the disease, the treatments, the possible complications of the ulcer. The peculiarities of healthy and balanced nutrition, which must be applied to every person, are revealed. It explains what products make it difficult to treat gastric ulcers.
To assess the nutritional peculiarities and lifestyle of sick people, a survey was provided to the respondents, which consisted of 30 questions (including 28 closed questions, 2 open questions). In total, 114 people were interviewed, 77 of them were patients at Kaunas klinikinė ligoninė, and the remaining 37 were patients at Kėdainiai ligoninė. Patients were from different disease sections. The interviewees were assured that the forms they filled out would not be made public and used for the research and the results would be presented in summary form. The resulting study data was processed and analyzed by the statistical data analysis program. The descriptive and graphical method was used to evaluate the results of the study.
It can be said that the main cause of gastric ulcer is H. pylori, but in order to prevent this disease it is necessary to follow the doctor's requirements, to destroy the bacteria, to heal the ulcer and prevent it from escalating. It is recommended to give up dry, fast, spicy, fat, high salt foods. Based on the results of the survey, it can be concluded that the majority of respondents have experienced digestive disorders and symptoms. The respondents indicated that the most common causes of gastric ulcer are malnutrition and stressful situations.