Baigiamąjį bakalaurinį darbą sudaro trys dalys. Pirmoji – teorinė dalis skirta literatūros analizei, antroji – empirinio tyrimo darbo metodui ir organizavimui ir trečioji – tyrimo rezultatams ir viso darbo apibendrinimui. Tyrimo metu buvo siekiama nustatyti fiziškai aktyvių ir pasyviai gyvenančių studentų mitybos skirtumus. Tyrime dalyvavo 112 įvairių specialybių Kauno miesto aukštųjų mokyklų studentai. Tiriamasis darbas buvo atliekamas naudojant anketinę apklausą, kurią sudarė 30 atvirų ir uždarų klausimų. Iš gautų tyrimo rezultatų galima daryti išvadą, kad fiziškai aktyvūs studentai dažniau maitinosi sveikiau nei pasyviai gyvenantys studentai.
This article investigated the differences of passive and active life style living students‘ nutrition. There was an assumption made that students who maintain active life style would care after their nutrition more than passive life style students. The aims of this study were to present theories about students‘ nutrition properties, to define passive and active life style living students‘ nutrition and to identify the differences between passive and active life style living students‘ nutrition.
112 students of Kaunas city participated in this study. The participants responded to a questionnaire that included 30 questions identifying viewpoint of students. Social media was used in order to involve participants.
This study determined that both groups of students have 3 – 4 meals per day and tend not to skip their breakfast. The majority of macroelements taken is carbohydrates which makes pasta, bread, other groats the most popular products, as well as precooked foods. Students pay equal attention on flavor, quality, price and the effect on health while choosing their products. The groups of passive and active life style living students differed making active life style living students being more interested in healthy life style, counting calories or following special diet and having breakfast more frequently, taking less sugar, smoke and drink alcohol less often. Passive life style living students tended to smoke or drink alcohol more often, skip their breakfast more often, have greater sugar intake, count calories or follow a special diet plan less frequently.
The conclusions of this study defined that active life style lining students tend to eat more healthy food than students who live passive life style.
The hypothesis was confirmed, students who live active life style pay more attention on their eating habits than students who live passive life style.