Baigiamajame bakalauro darbe nagrinėjami mitybos ypatumai, turintys įtakos vidurių užkietėjimo simptomas atsirasti. Išanalizuota mokslinė literatūra, atlikta anoniminė apklausa apie mitybos ypatumus. Pagal atliktą tiriamojo darbo gautus rezultatus parengtos išvados ir rekomendacijos. Darbo apimtis puslapių, lentelių, paveikslėlių. Atskirai pridedami priedai
Description of the work. According to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania 46548 cases of constipation, including 23655, were reported in patients over 18 years of age. In Lithuania, as in other economically developed countries, the incidence of functional constipation increases significantly. In view of this, more and more clinical studies are currently being carried out to investigate the causes, symptoms and methods of treatment of functional constipation (Lithuanian population health and health care activities in 2016 (preliminary data).
The aim of the bachelor thesis is to analyze the nutritional peculiarities of 40-55 year-old women and to link them with the occurrence of constipation.
1. Describe the influence of nutrition on constipation.
2. To evaluate the influence of female eating habits on the occurrence of obstipations.
3. To reveal the knowledge of women who suffer from constipation.
The methodology of the empyrichal research: 2019 - April an anonymous, online survey was conducted. The study included women aged 40-55 who were suffering from or constipated with constipation during this period. The questionnaire was based on scientific literature. The questionnaire consisted of questions about anthropometry, physical activity, eating habits, and aimed to find out the respondents' knowledge of constipation and the influence of nutritional peculiarities on their occurrence.
The results of the research: 41.2 percent women consumed only 1 to 1.5 liters of water a day, and over 2 liters consumed 12.6 percent of all subjects. 46 percent of respondents per day consumed insufficient amounts of vegetables per day, more than 400 g of vegetables consumed 19 percent of all subjects. 39.6 percent of the subjects consumed 200 g of different fruits per day, and 3.1 percent did not like or eat any fruit. 36.5 percent women used top-quality flour for cooking, 25.3 percent of all subjects used coarse meal. 53.9 percent of non-grain bread was collected, while 46 (percent) women chose a full-bodied bread with more fiber. 53.9 percent of the respondents were more likely to choose fresh dairy products, and tanned dairy products were 28.5 percent of all respondents. The majority of 52.3 percent women did not like any dried fruit, 17.4 percent of the respondents chose them only occasionally. 41.2 percent of women thought that constipation was influenced by malnutrition, and 12.6 percent respondents thought it was affected by pregnancy. 74.6 percent of all respondents thought that constipation was influenced by inappropriate eating habits, 3.1 percent of respondents felt that diet had no effect on it. 74.6 percent of women do not have enough knowledge about diets to ease the symptoms of constipation. 15.8 percent women have enough knowledge about proper nutrition. 71.4 percent of respondents thought that knowledge about proper nutrition would be useful for them, and 11.1 percent of the respondents would not need this knowledge.
Conclusions: 1. We can say that low physical activity, pregnancy, stress, low fluid and fiber consumption are the main risk factors for constipation symptoms. 2. Many of the interviewees are unsuitable for eating habits because of the low water intake, the under-consumption of tanned products, the ingestion of recommended vegetable and fruit content, and the more frequent use of refined flour, broken grains with lower fiber content. Animal nutrition dominates the diet. Consumable sweets, coffee, sugary drinks. 3. The analysis of the results of the research revealed that for most of the surveyed women there is not enough knowledge about diet that would ease their symptoms of constipation. More than half of all respondents believe that their inadequate diet had an effect on constipation and knowledge of proper nutrition would help them