Baigiamąjį bakalaurinį darbą sudaro trys dalys. Pirmoji – teorinė dalis skirta literatūros analizei. Antroji empirinio tyrimo metodui ir organizavimui, trečioji – empirinei daliai ir rezultatų apibendrinimui. Tyrimo tikslas: atskleisti ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų maitinimosi ypatumus šeimoje.
Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1.Aprašyti mitybos reikšmę ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų sveikatai;2.Įvertinti vaikų maitinimosi įpročius šeimoje; 3.Nustatyti tėvų domėjimąsi sveika mityba.
Rezultatai ir išvados: 1. Mityba turi ypatingai svarbią reikšmę ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų sveikatai. Sveika ir subalansuota mityba aprūpins vaiko organizmą reikiamomis maistinėmis medžiagomis, apsaugos nuo įvairių ligų ir sutrikimų, tokių kaip rachitas, mažakraujystė, nutukimas, skatins normalų vaiko vystymąsi bei brendimą.
2. Gauti tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad ne visi ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų maitinimosi ypatumai atitinka sveikos mitybos rekomendacijas. Dauguma vaikų kasdien pusryčiavo, bet vis dar yra vaikų, kurie to nedaro, o pusryčiai augančiam organizmui yra būtini. Pietums kai kurie vaikai galimai suvartojo mažesnį paros davinio kiekį, nei siūloma rekomendacijose. Vis dar yra vaikų, kurie maitinami per retai, t.y. du kartus per dieną. Mažamečiai per retai vartojo žalių, virtų daržovių, žuvies ir jos produktų, grūdinės kilmės produktų ir košių, per dažnai vartojo saldumynus. Dar yra tėvų, kurie visada saldina karštuosius gėrimus, skatina blogus mitybos įpročius leisdami vaikams valgyti žiūrint televizorių ar žaidžiant kompiuteriu, už gerą elgesį lepindami vaiką saldumynais, sunkiai rasdami laiko valgyti visai šeimai kartu. Teigiama yra tai, kad dauguma tėvų rodo pavyzdį vaikams valgydami sveiką maistą ir kalbėdamiesi su vaikais apie tai, kodėl yra svarbu sveikai maitintis.
3. Tėvai tūrėtų labiau domėtis sveika mityba, laikytis sveikos mitybos principų ir naudoti juos šeimoje, kad išugdytų teisingus vaiko maitinimosi įpročius.
Relevance of work. A healthy and child-friendly diet is relevant not only in educational institutions but at home as well. Some parents expect their child to gain nutritional skills, necessary for their full development, self-sufficiently. Children usually get to eat what their parents eat therefore parents has to think about the health of the child, develop the child’s understanding of healthy eating and to suppress their "sweet tooth" ambitions. Children learn the correct eating by observing, therefore parents should be responsible for the choice of foods and dishes, eat what is the appropriate and healthy for their children.
Tasks of the research.
• To reveal the importance of nutrition to the health of preschool children;
• To evaluate the nutritional habits of children in the family;
• To set parent’s interest in healthy eating.
Methods of empirical research. A quantitative research was conducted in order to determine the nutritional peculiarities of pre-school children in the family. The survey was conducted at one of Kaunas pre-school educational institutions. The study included parents of children from 1.5 to 7 years of age, with the total of 167 respondents. The questionnaire included questions about children's nutrition at home, the frequency of consumption of various food products, eating habits of the family, parents attitudes and knowledge about nutrition. The research data was processed using Microsoft excel 2016 program.
The main results. Not all the pre-school children eating habits in the family comply with the recommendations for a healthy diet.There are still children who do not have breakfast, which is mandatory for the growing organism. For lunch, some children may have consumed a lower daily dose than suggested in the guidelines. There are still children who are being fed too rarely, i.e. twice a day. Children too rarely consumed green, cooked vegetables, fish and its products, cereal products and porridge, too often consuming candies, biscuits and cakes. There are also parents who always sweeten hot drinks, encourage poor eating habits by allowing children to eat while watching television or playing computer, reward their child for its good behavior with candies, find with difficulty time for the whole family to have meals together. It is stated, that most of the parents set a good example by eating healthy food themselves and discuss with the children the importance of healthy eating.
Conclusions. 1. Nutrition is of paramount importance to the health of pre-school children. 2. The results of the study showed that not all the pre-school children have nutritional habits in accordance with the recommendations of a healthy diet. 3. Parents should be more interested in a healthy diet, follow the principles of healthy eating and use them in the family to develop the right eating habits of their child.