Baigiamajame darbe siekiama išsiaiškinti statinių tempimo pratimų ir masažinio volo poveikį apatinių galūnių raumenų elastingumui. Literatūrinėje dalyje apžvelgiama raumenų anatomija, atkreipiamas dėmesys į kylančias problemas esant sumažėjusiam raumenų elastingumui. Išvadose pateikiami apibendrinti gauti rezultatai.
Darbą sudaro šešios dalys: įvadas, literatūros analizė, empirinio tyrimo metodika ir rezultatų analizė, išvados, rekomendacijos, literatūra.
Darbo apimtis – 30 p. teksto, 14 paveikslų, 1 lentelė, 29 literatūros šaltiniai.
The shortening and stiffness of lower extremity muscles leads to increased risk of injury. Muscles of distance runners tend to become short and that increases the risk of injury. There are known many of methods to increase lenght of the muscle. So there is important to know which method is the best to improve muscle length.
The aim of the research:
To establish static stretching exercise and foam roller effect on muscle elasticity for long distance runners.
Tasks of work:
1. To estimate static stretching exercise effect on muscle elasticity.
2. To estimate foam roller effect on muscle elasticity.
3. To compare results of static stretching exercise and foam roller groups
The study included long-distance runners voluntarily participating in the study and meeting the requirements. 14 participants were selected, randomly divided into two separate groups of 7 persons. At the start of the study, the lengths of the test muscles were measured using a goniometer. One group then carried out static stretching exercises 4 times a week for four weeks, and the other group took 4 weeks of self foam rolling for four weeks 4 times a week, after four weeks muscle elasticity measurements were repeated.
1. Static stretching exercises are suitable for increasing the elasticity of long-distance runners muscles.
2. The use of a massage foam roller did not show a statistically significant effect on muscle elasticity.
3. The group which performed static stretching exercises had significantly better results than the group of massage foam roller