Šiuolaikinėje visuomenėje vyrauja skirtingas požiūris į patį žmogų, dirbantį savo darbą. Šiai dienai pacientai yra be galo įnoringi ir siekiantys bet kokia kaina gauti tai ko nori, nesvarbu, kad gydančiam personalui tai gali ir nepatikti. Radiologijos technologas tai žmogus, kuris dirba dėl kitų. Iš prigimties žmonės yra linkę nužmogėti ir kabinėtis prie menkiausių smulkmenų, o ypač tai daro tada, kada nuo to priklauso ir jų tolimesnis gydymas. Radiologijos technologas iš esmės yra savo srities profesionalas, nes norėdamas tokiu būti, turi suprasti be galo daug dalykų, vis dėlto radiologija tai šešėlių mokslas to nesuprantantiems.
Temos tikslas
Atskleisti pacientų požiūrį apie radiologijos technologo darbą bei elgesį tyrimo metu
Relevance of the topic
In modern society, there is a different attitude towards the person who works on his own. To this day, patients are extremely whimsical and want to get what they want at any cost, no matter how treating the staff it may be. Radiologist is a person who works for others to help diagnose a variety of pathologies. By nature, people tend to hummer and hang on to the smallest details, especially when their subsequent treatment depends on it. Radiology technologist is basically a professional in his field, because in order to be so, one has to understand a lot of things, but radiology is a shadow science for those who do not understand it.
The aim of the study
To disclose patients' attitudes about the work and behavior of a radiologist in a concluded study
Research tasks
1.To theoretically describe the factors that determine patients' attitudes towards computer tomography and x-ray diagnostic research, their progress and safety, and the role of the radiologist in performing them.
2. To disclose the opinion of patients of X and Y treatment institutions on the behavior of a radiologist in a study
3. Comparison of X and Y patients' attitudes towards specifics of X-ray and computed tomography studies and the role of radiologist in them
Methodology of investigation: In the theoretical part of the work the analysis of scientific literature was performed. In the empirical part, the quantitative research method was applied, the simple random, unreal probability selection was applied to the respondents. The questionnaire done by the author was used for the research. Data was processed and analyzed by Microsoft Office „Excel“ 2010
A brief description of the subjects
The study included 260 respondents from two treatment facilities, including 138 men and 122 women. Respondents belonged to different age groups and socio-demographic groups, but all of them were subjected to computed tomography or X-ray
Conclusion of the study
Respect, willingness to communicate and a patient's sense of comfort are the most important factors determining the success of a study. In both computed tomography and x-ray research, radiology technologists must remember and adhere to the basic principles of deontology in order to ensure patient safety and the quality of the research performed