Objektas: Propriocepcijos ir liemens stabilumo pratimų poveikis jaunųjų futbolininkų pusiausvyrai.
Tikslas: Nustatyti propriocepcijos ir liemens stabilumo pratimų poveikį jaunųjų futbolininkų pusiausvyrai.
1. Įvertinti jaunųjų futbolininkų statinę ir dinaminę pusiausvyrą, liemens raumenų statinę ištvermę prieš ir po propriocepcijos pratimų taikymo.
2. Įvertinti jaunųjų futbolininkų statinę ir dinaminę pusiausvyrą, liemens raumenų statinę ištvermę prieš ir po propriocepcijos ir liemens stabilumo pratimų taikymo.
3. Palyginti rezultatus prieš ir po taikytų pratimų programų tarp grupių.
1. Propriocepcijos pratimų programa gerina jaunųjų futbolininkų statinę ir dinaminę pusiausvyrą, bei didina liemens raumenų statinę ištvermę.
2. Propriocepcijos ir liemens stabilumo pratimų programa gerina jaunųjų futbolininkų statinę ir dinaminę pusiausvyrą, bei didina liemens raumenų statinę ištvermę.
3. Propriocepcijos lavinimas daro didesnę įtaką dinaminei pusiausvyrai, propriocepcijos ir liemens stabilumo programa labiau veikia statinę liemens raumenų ištvermę. Abi programos vienodai gerina statinę pusiausvyrą.
Football is one of the most popular sports in the world, with about 250 million active players (Ricotti et al., 2013). This sport is very popular among younger age groups, as more than half of those playing football are under the age of eighteen (Rössler et al. 2018). When examining ankle injuries that are most common in football, it has been observed that children and adolescents are more likely to experience ankle injury than adults when comparing the risk of injury between different age groups. It is therefore important to develop and apply exercise programs that are effective and easy to adapt to younger players (Doherty et al. 2014).
Aim of study: To determine the effect of proprioception and core stability exercises on the balance of young football players.
Objectives: 1. To evaluate the static and dynamic balance of young football players, static endurance of core muscles before and after the application of proprioceptive exercises.
2. To evaluate the static and dynamic balance of young football players, static endurance of core muscles before and after the application of proprioceptive and core stability exercises.
3. Compare the results before and after the exercise programs between groups.
Experimental participants: 14 football school X team players participated in the study. The age of the subjects was 12 to 13 years old. The subjects were divided into two groups: the first group performed proprioceptive exercises, the second performed proprioceptive and core stability exercises. The subjects were evaluated twice before and after the exercise programs. The duration of the study was 4 weeks. Exercises were performed twice a week, the first group took 20 minutes long-lasting proprioceptive exercises, and the second group 10 minutes proprioception and 10 minutes core stability exercises.
Methods: Questionnaire, Balance platform SIGMA, Modified star deviation test, Mcgill core muscle endurance tests, SPSS and excel programs.
1. The proprioceptive exercise program improves the static and dynamic balance of young football players and increases the static endurance of the core muscles.
2. The proprioceptive and core stability exercise program improves the static and dynamic balance of the young football players and increases the static endurance of the core muscles.
3. The proprioceptive exercises has a greater influence on dynamic balance, proprioceptive and core stability exercise program have a greater impact on the static endurance of the core muscles. Both programs equally improve static balance.