Baigiamąjį bakalaurinį darbą sudaro dvi dalys. Pirmoji – teorinė dalis skirta literatūros analizei, antroji – empirinio tyrimo darbo metodui ir organizavimui. Darbo tikslas: atskleisti profilaktinių krūtinės ląstos rentgeno tyrimų svarbą. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Aprašyti krūtinės ląstos rentgeno tyrimą bei profilaktinių sveikatos tikrinimų tvarką. 2. Įvertinti pacientų žinias apie profilaktinį krūtinės ląstos rentgeno tyrimą. 3. Identifikuoti 2018 m. X poliklinikoje profilaktinių krūtinės ląstos rentgeno tyrimų metu aptiktas patologijas. Išvados: 1. Krūtinės ląstos rentgeno tyrimas suteikia daug informacijos apie paciento plaučių būklę, todėl šis tyrimas yra skiriamas profilaktinio sveikatos tikrinimo metu siekiant užkirsti kelią žmonių sergamumui ir mirštamumui. 2. Didžioji dalis apklaustųjų supranta profilaktinio krūtinės ląstos rentgeno tyrimo svarbą, tačiau tik trečdalis respondentų atliktų šį tyrimą, jei jis nebūtų privalomas. 3. 2018 m. X poliklinikoje atliktų profilaktinių krūtinės ląstos rentgeno tyrimų metu dešimtadalyje aptiktos patologijos: pneumonija, bronchitas, per šį laikotarpį aptiktas ir vienas tuberkuliozės atvejis
Relevance of the thesis: according to the WHO (2018), there were 1,3million deaths due to tuberculosis in 2017. The WHO‘s office in Europe states that tuberculosis rates in Lithuania are one of the highest in the European Union (2019). According to the Center for Accumulative Diseases and AIDS (2017), preventive chest x-ray examinations are highly important for preventing tuberculosis. Metwally (2018) notes, that linear chest x-ray is an examination that is simple, cheap, rapid and reveals plenty of information about the condition of lungs and during which only a minor dose of irradiance is received.
Purpose of the research: revealing the importance of preventive chest x-ray examinations.
Research tasks:
1. Describe the procedures for preventive chest x-ray examinations and preventive health examinations.
2. Assess the patients‘ knowledge of preventive chest x-ray examinations.
3. Reveal the results of preventive chest x-ray examinations conducted at clinic X.
Research method: an on demand thesis has been performed (No. F23-111). A permit No. BEC-KK(B)-56 was obtained from the Medical Ethics Commission for the purpose of this research. The research was conducted at the x-ray department of Clinic X from January to April in 2019. The research tool – anonymous questionnaire – was made up of 23 questions concerning preventive chest x-ray examinations prepared by the author. 200 patients at clinic X were questioned and 2613 outpatient personal health record cards were examined. The data used for this research was processed using Microsoft Excel 2006. A recommendatory leaflet for the patients at the x-ray section of the clinic X was prepared according to the results of the research.
1. Preventive chest x-ray examinations reveal plenty of information on the condition of the patients lungs, thus this examination is given during preventive healtch checks in order to prevent morbidity and mortality.
2. Most respondents understand the importance of preventive chest x-ray examinations. However, only one third of all respondents would take part in the examinations if they were not mandatory.
3. In 2018 pathologies were detected in 1/10 of preventive chest x-ray examinations conducted at clinic X: pneumonia, bronchitis and during this time 1 case of tuberculosis was detected.