Amerikoje atliktas tyrimas parodė, kad 79% respondenčių turi aukštakulnius batus, o 39% iš jų šiuos batus avi kasdien, taip pat šie batai buvo įvardinti kaip patys nepatogiausi iš visų kitų rūšių. Darbe siekiama parodyti, kokią įtaką griaučių – raumenų sistemos funkcinei būklei daro aukštakulnių batų avėjimas vertinant laikyseną, juosmeninės dalies stuburo paslankumą, raumenų elastingumą. Tyrime iš viso dalyvavo 29 moterys, 14 moterų, avinčių aukštakulnius batus ir 15 moterų, neavinčių tokių batų. Palyginus rezultatus tarp grupių, buvo apibrėžti skirtumai: aukštakulnius dėvinčių moterų šlaunies keturgalvio raumens tiesiosios galvos bei klubinio juosmens raumenų elastingumas sumažėjęs, stuburo paslankumas taip pat mažesnis, nei grupės, neavinčios tokių batų.
Introduction. A study performed by American Podiatric Medical Association have shown that high heels are uncomfortable for 71% women, making it the most uncomfortable type of shoe. Regardless of that, 39% women wear high heels on their daily basis (American Podiatric Medical Association, 2014). The reasons of why women wear these shoes were undercovered by scientists. Studies shown that high heels make women more self – confident, attract more attention by passengers (Guéguen, 2014), (Morris ir kt., 2013), (Linder, 1997), (Guéguen ir kt. 2014). According to studies, high heels hake huge impact on such pathologies as Hallux Valgus, Hammer Toe, swollen feet, high heels resets the center of gravity and as body maintains staying in vertical position, a lot of musculoskeletal changes occur: harmful posture is being formed, mucle groups do not work efficiently, as a result of that, some of them become shorter and some of them start to become weaker (Lemos ir kt. 2009). Very few articles in Lithuanian language were found about high heel topic and affects it makes.
Aim of the study. The aim of this study was to evaluate the affects to the musculoskeletal made by high heel shoes.
Exploratoty tasks:
1. To determine the posture, lumbar spine mobility and muscle elasticity for women who wear high heels.
2. To determine the posture, lumbar spine mobility and muscle elasticity for women who do not wear high heels.
3. To compare data between both groups.
Methods: 29 subjects from 20 to 28 year - old took part in this study. The group was divided into two groups making high heel group (n=14) and regular shoe group (n=15). High heel group had to wear high heels at least 8 cm high, no less than 3 hours a day and at least 4 days a week. All the participants had their posture, lumbar spine mobility examined and 90-90 test, Thomas’ test, Ober test, Piriformis test, Phelps test were performed.
Results and conclusions: the posture and lumbar spine mobility in high heel group was good, however, the iliopsas muscle, hamstrings and rectus femoris muscle elasticity was decreased. The control group participants had their posture, lumbar spine mobility evaluated as good and soft tissue elasticity was not decreased. Gracilis muscle, tensor fasciae latae muscle, iliotibial band, posture between groups did not differ. High heel group participants had their rectus femoris, iliopsas muscle shorter and their lumbar spine less mobile than control group participants.