Tyrimo objektas: Krioterapijos poveikis skausmui, gyvenimo kokybei ir peties sąnario funkcijai asmenims sergantiems reumatoidiniu artritu.
Tyrimo tikslas: Nustatyti krioterapijos poveikį skausmui, gyvenimo kokybei ir peties sąnario funkcijai sergantiems reumatoidiniu artritu.
Tyrimo uždaviniai:
1. Įvertinti skausmą, peties sąnario funkciją ir gyvenimo kokybę prieš ir po kineziterapijos.
2. Įvertinti skausmą, peties sąnario funkciją ir gyvenimo kokybę prieš ir po krioterpaijos.
3. Palyginti gautus rezultatus tarp atskirų grupių.
1. Kineziterapija sumažino skausmą, padidino skausmo slenkstį, pagerino peties sąnario funkciją bei gyvenimo kokybę.
2. Krioterapija sumažino skausmą, padidino skausmo slenkstį, pagerino peties sąnario funkciją bei gyvenimo kokybę.
3. Palyginus kineziterapijos ir krioterapijos poveikį reumatoidiniu artritu sergantiems pacientams, skirtumų skausmui, skausmo slenksčiui bei peties sąnario funkcijai nebuvo nustatyta, tačiau gyvenimo kokybė statistiškai reikšmingai pagerėjo krioterapijos grupėje.
Research topic: The effects of cryotherapy on pain, quality of life and shoulder joint function in rheumatoid arthritis.
Raktiniai žodžiai: Phyiostherapy, cryotherapy, rheumaotid arthritis, middle-aged people.
The object of the study: Effects of cryotherapy on pain, quality of life and shoulder joint function in rheumatoid arthritis patients.
Hypothesis: Shoulder joint function will improve, reduce pain and improve quality of life through physiotherapy and cryotherapy.
Research tasks:
1. To evaluate pain, shoulder joint function and quality of life before and after physiotherapy.
2. To evaluate pain, shoulder joint function and quality of life before and after cryotherapy.
3. Compare the results obtained between individual groups.
Research Methodology and Organization: The study was carried out at PLLC „Namita“ in Birštonas . The study included 20 subjects (n = 20) with rheumatoid arthritis. There were two groups: control group (n = 10), where only phyiostherapy was applied, and the subject group (n = 10), where both physiotherapy and cryotherapy were applied, in this group there were only subjects with no contraindications for cold therapy. At the beginning and at the end of the research we evaluated the VAS scale, range of motion, muscle strength and pain threshold using the algorithm.
Results: The results showed that physiotherapy and cryotherapy in both groups before and after the intervention reduced the pain on the VAS scale, increased pain threshold, increased shoulder joint range of motion for flexion, extension and abduction, increased arm muscle strength, and improved quality of life.
1. Physiotherapy reduced pain, improved shoulder function and improved quality of life.
2. Cryotherapy reduced pain, improved shoulder function and improved quality of life.
3. When comparing the effects of physiotherapy and cryotherapy on rheumatoid arthritis patients, no differences in pain, pain threshold and shoulder joint function were found, but the quality of life improved statistically significantly in the cryotherapy group.