Literatūroje aprašoma galvos svaigimo klinika, priežastys, pratimai, kurie padeda palengvinti galvos svaigimą.
Tyrimo metu išsiaiškintos kasdieninės veiklos, kurias apsunkina galvos svaigimas; kokias prevencines priemones patys asmenys taiko palengvinti galvos svaigimą.
Relevance of the topic. Dizziness is one of the most common symptoms of the nervous
system in the world after headaches, especially in older age. 2018 a study carried out in Bavaria
revealed that even in the developed countries tgis problem is ineffective. Dizziness is not only an
unpleasant symptom, but it also affects reduced work capacity, self-sufficiency, and increases the
risk of injury. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), one of the most common
risk factors for collapse is the loss of balance that occurs during dizziness.
Aim of the study. To evaluate the influence of dizziness and related symptoms on
human daily activities.
1. Describe the cause of dizziness clinic.
2. Describe the exercises that apply to people with dizziness.
3. Determine the effect of dizziness on people is daily activities.
4. To disclose the preventive actions that patients take to relieve dizziness.
Research methodology. Analysis of scientific literature, quantitative research
(questionnaire survey), and statistical analysis of data using the MS EXCEL (2015) program. 35
questionnaires were distributed, all returned. By using these methods, it is possible to evaluate
the effect of dizziness on the lives of patients and the methodologies they use to facilitate this
symptom, their effectiveness.
Results. Dizziness causes additional symptoms such as eclipse, loss of samon nausea,
vomiting, visible double vision, numbness of thee limbs, headaches and others. Feeling dizzy,
accompanied by additional symptoms worsening the quality of life of the human being,
according to a survey conducted, 20% of respondents said that it is difficult to independently to
something independently during their dizziness, 11% of respondnets are completely dependent
on another person. In the study, it was discovered what daily activities are affected by dizziness.
Respondents most often pointed out that comminication is always/often affected (97%), working
capacity (77%), housework (80%), walking (66%), eating/drinking (60%). The study found that
people almost did not perform any headaches. 50%, when N=2, replied that they were doing the
exercises and evaluating them very well, the other half of the respondents (N=2) evaluated the
exercises well enough.