Pagrindinis darbo tikslas: išnagrinėti „Reception“ stalo gamybą, parinkti gamybai tinkamus įrengimus, pritaikyti furnitūrą, apdailą.
Darbo uždaviniai:
1. Parengti numatytos produkcijos aprašą;
2. Techninis aprašymas;
3. Išanalizuoti pagrindines ir pagalbines žaliavas naudojamas gamybai;
Darbo objektas: Stalas „Reception“
Darbo metodai: Grafiniai sprendimai, literatūros šaltinių analizė.
1. Stalas „Reception“ naudojamas viešbučiuose , baruose , kavinėse ir panašiose lankymo vietose.
2.Stalas susideda iš MDF plokštės bei lanksčios faneros "Fuma" , padengtos natūraliu ąžuolo lukštu.
3. Pagrindinės naudojamos žaliavos yra ąžuolo lukštas , MDF plokštė ir lanksti fanera „Fuma“.
The aim of the work - to design and produce the desk RECEPTION with drawers and choose the best equipment to make it, to adapt the furniture and finishings.
The objectives of the work:
1. To prepare the outline of the product.
2. To choose technical inventory.
3. To investigate the main and additional materials.
Methodology of the work: analysis of scientific literature and other information sources, grafical drawings.
Structure: The work introduction gives an overview of the furniture industry market. The company profile is given here. The second part provides literature review of the theoretical literature. In the technology, economical and energy parts various calculations are presented.
The results:
1. The desk RECEPTION could be used in the in the working environment, reception of the hotels and the reception of the different offices or public institutions such as hospital.
2. The table is made of MDF and flexible plywood FUMA.
3. The main material is MDF, flexible plywood FUMA and oak veneer.
Scope of the work : 66 pages , 2 pictures and 32 tables