Literatūriškai yra apibūdinama greitosios medicinos pagalbos darbo specifika, slaugytojų, teikiančių skubią pagalbą, patiriami profesiniai rizikos veiksniai ir saugios aplinkos užtikrinimas. Taip pat yra aprašomi slaugytojų, teikiančių skubią pagalbą, savisaugą reglamentuojantys teisės aktai. Tyrimo metu yra atskleidžiami skubios medicinos pagalbos slaugytojų patiriami profesiniai rizikos veiksniai, tokie kaip cheminiai, fizikiniai, biologiniai, ergonominiai ir psichosocialiniai bei skubią pagalbą teikiančių slaugytojų požiūris į darbo aplinkos saugumą
Aim of work: to evaluate the occupational risk factors of emergency medical nurses and
assumptions for ensuring a safe environment. Tasks: 1. Describe the provision of ambulance
services, occupational risk factors for nurses and ensuring a safe environment at work for those
who are providing emergency assistance. 2. Describe the self-protection legislation for nurses
providing emergency care. 3. Reveal occupational risk factors for nurses at work who are
providing emergency assistance. 4. Determine the attitude of nurses providing emergency care to
the safety of the work environment. Problem of work: what are the occupational risk factors for
emergency nurses and what are the preconditions for a safe environment? The objectives of this
work: occupational risk factors for emergency medical nurses and a secure environment
assumption. Methods and participants of work: qualitative directed (partially structured)
study, interviewing emergency nurses using the interview method. Results and conclusions: 1.
Ambulance services are personal health care services provided by ambulance services to protect
and save lives. Due to the specific working conditions, caregivers are constantly exposed to
chemical, physical, biological, ergonomic and psychological-social factors in the work
environment. 2. Emergency nurses, in their direct work, must follow Lithuanian medical
standards: MN 142, MN 28, 2011 and 2018 resuscitation standards and other legislations. 3.
During the research it was found that most of the respondents have experienced some kind of
trauma in their work: head trauma, fractured nose, rib fractures and others. All respondents said
they had to provide help in an uncomfortable environment very often. More than half of the
nurses experienced stress, tension, conflict in situations and insults as psychological and social
factors in the work environment. Half of the nurses indicated that at least once have accidently
pierced themselves with an infected blood filled needle. 4. The study found that only a little less
than half of the emergency nurses deemed thier work environment as safe. The survey revealed
that slightly more than half of the respondents think that men who provide emergency medical
service should feel safer than women working with the emergency medical service. After
conducting the survey and evaluating the opinion of all the respondents who provide emergency
care, we can say, that self-protection, teamwork and help should always be used to ensure selfprotection